PHP code not recognized on the page


Viewed 76 times


I made a menu with Ajax and it changes the content dynamically, so far so good, but the problem is that when I insert a PHP code in the page it does not recognize the code and displays the writings, it appears instead of executing the code. Does anyone know what’s going on??

Note: before Ajax worked normally.

prepare("SELECT * FROM empresa"); 
$executa = $empresa->execute(); 
  while($reg = $empresa->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)){ 
  /* Para recuperar um ARRAY utilize PDO::FETCH_ASSOC */ 
  • 2

    is too vague. We have no crystal ball

  • 1

    Only with this section is not possible to know the problem. Post the whole code (the relevant part).

  • When you access the php file directly happened the same thing? you call it at the address file:///c:\amp\htdocs\arquivo.php?

1 answer


Always use <?php at the beginning of a code PHP and end with ?>.

For example, in the code you posted above the function that is called getMessage() is not between PHP tags. You have to always check. Avoid using only <? to start PHP code. Some apaches are not configured to use short_tags.

Also, check the file extension if it really is .php . Last point to check is whether the apache you are running is an apache or is the IIS (windows). Always try to use apaches like Xampp, Wamp, Vertrigo, etc.

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