Filter MYSQL results according to the result of a line


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I’m having a problem to perform a specific filter in a query in Mysql.

I am building a search system where I have the following tables:

  • Questionnaires: with the name of the questionarios
  • Questions: containing the questions in the questionnaire, with foreign key pointing to the questionnaire table
  • Answers: containing the answers to each question, with the foreign key pointing to questions
  • Tokens: Information on who replied
  • Answers Given: Contains the answers given by each person.

I have the following structure:

[Tabela Fichas]
- ID
- created_at
- latitude
- longitude

[Tabela Respostas dadas]
- id
- ficha_id
- resposta_id
- pergunta_id

I need a consultation that returns the amount of respostas_id according to a specific question.

For example, I need to know who answered "23" in the field resposta_id when pergunta_id = "81", answered the other questions.

I’ve been hitting my head on this for days, but I’m not getting it. I even thought about creating a view that organized the data so that each question was a column and the answers were the lines, but also I could not.

  • select count(*) from respostas_dadas where resposta_id = id_da_resposta_a_contar, try this.

  • If I understand correctly you want to know the other answers of who selected answer 23 from question 81, is that it? Another question, when the user answers the entire questionnaire, is only recorded a record of ficha for him?

  • Do you want to get a certain answer to a question? That’s it?

  • Oops, thank you. That’s right. And when the person answers the entire questionnaire, a record is saved in the table tokens and the answers are saved in the table answered.

2 answers


[Tabela Respostas dadas]
- id
- ficha_id
- resposta_id
- pergunta_id

For example, I need to know who answered "23" in the field ansosta_id when question_id = "81", answered in the other questions.

answered "23" in the field answer_id when question_id = "81"

select id
from respostas
where pergunta_id = "81"
and resposta_id = "23" 

answered the other questions.

select *
from respostas
where pergunta_id <> "81"
and id in (select id
           from respostas
           where pergunta_id = "81"
           and resposta_id = "23")

I believe this is it. []s

  • Beast, thank you very, very much. Your reasoning helped me and solve, was select answers.value, Count() from respostas_dadas join respostas on = respostas_dadas.resposta_id&#xA;where respostas_dadas.pergunta_id <> "26"&#xA;and ficha_id in (select ficha_id&#xA; from respostas_dadas&#xA; where pergunta_id = "26"&#xA; and resposta_id = "82") group by respostas_dado.resposta_id*, now is to work on PHP to make this query generic. Thanks


Thank you to everyone who posted it. With Motta’s help I arrived at the following consultation:

 select respostas.valor, count(*) from respostas_dadas join respostas on = respostas_dadas.resposta_id
   where respostas_dadas.pergunta_id <> "26"
    and ficha_id in
        (select ficha_id from respostas_dadas
        where pergunta_id = "26"
        and resposta_id = "82") group by respostas_dadas.resposta_id

This is a study system that I’m doing, thinking about a research company that has to assemble several questionnaires. In the table questionnaires i play the general data of each questionnaire, in the table questions I play the questions of this questionnaire on the table answers i play the answers to each question, on the table tokens i save the general data of each chip, when it was made, place, and finally the answers of each chip I play on the table answered. This filter I’m trying to do is for questions like

"Of people with male sex ( question 26, answer 23 ) how many will vote for mayor X"?

Thanks people. And sorry I can’t format the code, first time I’m posting here. I followed the orientation to give the 4 spaces but the query is not leaving formatted.

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