How to optimize this code?


Viewed 114 times


Is there any faster (performative) way to compare the current value with the previous (bank) value with Entity Framework? Instead of selecting Id for Id (according to property Discount code below), check the array or something like?

With the code below, I check the last price of the value and calculate the discount, however, is made Id for Id.

        x => new ProductHistory {
            ProductId = x.Id
                , Price = x.Price
                , LastUpdate = DateTime.Now.Date
                , Discount = x.Price / (
                    (Convert.ToDecimal(db.ProductHistory.Where((ProductHistory p) => x.Id == p.ProductId)
                        .OrderByDescending(o => o.LastUpdate)
                        .Select(y => y.Price)
                        .FirstOrDefault()) == 0) ? x.Price :
                    (Convert.ToDecimal(db.ProductHistory.Where((ProductHistory p) => x.Id == p.ProductId)
                        .OrderByDescending(o => o.Id)
                        .Select(y => y.Price)
                        .FirstOrDefault()))) * 100 - 100
  • Just so I understand: what it is ha and what is array?

  • ha = Producthistory[] array = Product[]

  • I put as array because the Entity Addorupdate only accepts array, if it would not be a list.

1 answer


What you’re doing is terrible at performance. My suggestion is:

// Selecione todos os Products envolvidos no que você quer.
// Adiante ProductHistory. Include() usa INNER JOIN.
var allProducts = db.Products
                    .Include(p => p.ProductHistory)

// Aqui uso apenas operações em memória. 
// O jeito que você estava fazendo abria vários SQL em sequência, 
// o que não vale a pena pra operação que você está fazendo.
foreach (var element in array)
    var product = allProducts.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == element.ProductId);
    var lastUpdateHistory = product.ProductHistory.OrderBy(ph => ph.LastUpdate).FirstOrDefault();
    var lastId = product.ProductHistory.OrderByDescending(ph => ph.Id).FirstOrDefault();
    element.Discount = lastUpdateHistory.Price > 0 ? array.Price : lastId.Price * 100 - 100;

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