I have a demand that is the following, I want to create a set of images and I will relate them, for that I create a struct vector similar to resultsInfo = struct('indice',0,'correlatas',cell(1,5),'fatorCorrelacao',zeros(1,5),'somaImagens',zeros(640,480));
, where:
Indice is an integer representing the image index;
correlatas receives cell with 5 different image names that are similar
factorCorrelation is a vector that receives a number that represents how similar these images are;
and somaImages receive the sum of the 5 similar images.
When I do this, it fills the matrices of the somamage field, only of the first 5 elements of the vector, the rest it allocates an empty matrix. My intention is to dynamically fill the vector, because the number of images may vary according to each project.
I’m glad you could handle it. To be more cohesive the question and its resolution, I suggest you copy the solution and post as answer just below and mark on "v" as resolved.
– user28595
Thanks for the guidance, Diego
– Daniel Magalhães Bicalho