Apply css to all elements except some specific ones


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How to apply padding to all a. button except those who have a span, I don’t know how to do it, but an example:

  • If you say "if the a has a span, do not apply style to it, "so currently it is not possible. A "parent" selector has been proposed, but currently no browser still supports it. See that question on Soen for more details. P.S. By the way, there is a selector :not, but it applies to the element itself and not to his children

2 answers


As far as I know, there is no way to "select" a 'Parent' or 'Child' element through the property :not, other than a selector :first-child, for example, or :nth-child(n) who can make that selection.

What can be done is to apply a negation class together to the element that will have span, so you can deny that the css to that element, we use a css similar to that:


<a class="button">Teste 1</a>
<a class="button">Teste 2</a>
<a class="button negado"><span>Teste 3</span></a>
<a class="button">Teste 4</a>


a.button {
    background:#eee; //cor de fundo cinza

a.button:not(.negado) {
    background:#f0f; //tudo NÃO POSSUIR a classe .negado, terá o fundo rosa

Take the example:

Another solution would be to do the opposite, apply the style only to those who have span as 'Child', thus staying:

Edited: Answer question of comment

Since there is no way to select a Parent or Child through the :not the easiest way to get what you want, would be to set the property for all elements and then 'reset' in those that you do not want to have the style. Take this example:

  • What happens is I want to apply to a. button not to span, in short I want to give to tag "to" that does not have a span inside the padding property

  • In this case, there is no "easy" way to do this. You need to set the style for all of them and then "reset" only on the one you DO NOT want to have the style. See my update reply, if that would be it.

  • Living and learning.


Then you can take the main div and apply the css.

p:not(.principal span) {
  /* efeito do css */

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