Allow special characters as Java keyboard input


Viewed 1,471 times


I am using Scanner to read some keyboard data, however, accents and special characters are not identified.

For example: João and Maurício appear with a small square in the accented letter, however, if I type these words in the screen output is no problem. Show up straight.

I tried with static Locale PORTUGUESE; but it didn’t work out.

How can I make it work?

Thank you


My code is like this at the moment:

package Trabalho_final;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Funcionario 
    private String nome, email, telefone;
    private float salario;

    Scanner ler = new Scanner(,"UTF-8");

          //............ restante do código
  • Put the code you already have so we can help. Another question, is running your program on cmd or in the console da IDE ?

2 answers


Use the constructor of Scanner with, overload of encoding, as follows: Scanner skener=new Scanner(file,"ISO-8859-1"); if reading from a file or Scanner skener=new Scanner(,"ISO-8859-1"); if reading from the standard input.

Below is a complete example:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ScannerCharactersWithAccent {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // read line
        System.out.println("Por favor, entre com os caracteres a serem lidos na próxima linha:");
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(,"ISO-8859-1");

        // print line
        System.out.println("Caracteres lidos na linha anterior: " + scanner.nextLine());
  • 1

    what would be the file?

  • corrected issue :)

  • If the solution has answered your question, please click the green arrow on top of the answer. Thank you :)

  • Oops, Eduardo. Sorry for the delay, I hadn’t had time to check here yet. So you haven’t solved =/ nor with the encoding overload. Do you have any more suggestions? I’ll put the code up there

  • 2

    Dear @Maximilianomeyer, I modified the answer. I believe it now works. Please test and let me know the result.


I tested it here and it worked like this (based on the answer from the colleague):

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Teste {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // read line
        System.out.println("Por favor, entre com os caracteres a serem lidos na próxima linha:");
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(,"CP850");

        // print line
        System.out.println("Caracteres lidos na linha anterior: " + scanner.nextLine());

CP850 is the default command prompt encoding.

There is also the option to modify the command prompt encoding via the command chcp 1252 (for Windows-1252 encoding) after the same open or call it already with this encoding with the command cmd.exe 1252.

Source and more information: Special characters Command Prompt

  • Thank you for your contribution, Shura, but I tested it here and it distorted the characters. "til", for example, "ã" became "Ò".

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