Empty dynamic array table


Viewed 346 times


It’s the following guys I have a dynamic table in Java where it includes a row with some data filled by the user, in the method of adding the row I put an array also passing the fields I am sending to the table but when I see the values of the array nothing appears as if it were empty follows the code.

	<title> pedido </title>
    <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
    totals =0;
   //Função que adiciona linha na tabela
    function adiciona(){
        //Array para pegar o valores mandados para a tabela
        var itens = [];
        var prod = document.getElementById('cprod').value; 
        var qtd = document.getElementById('cquant').value; 
        itens.push(prod, qtd); 
        tbl = document.getElementById("tabelaBanco");
        var novaLinha = tbl.insertRow(-1);
        var novaCelula;
        if(totals%2==0) cl = "#FFFFFF";
        else cl = "##FFFFFF";

        novaCelula = novaLinha.insertCell(0);
        novaCelula.align = "left";
        novaCelula.style.backgroundColor = cl;
        novaCelula.innerHTML = document.getElementById('cprod').value;
        novaCelula = novaLinha.insertCell(1);
        novaCelula.align = "left";
        novaCelula.style.backgroundColor = cl;
        novaCelula.innerHTML =  document.getElementById('cquant').value;

         novaCelula2 = novaLinha.insertCell(2);
         novaCelula.align = "left";
        novaCelula.style.backgroundColor = cl;
        var btnEl = document.createElement('input');  
        btnEl.setAttribute('type', 'button'); 
        btnEl.setAttribute('class', 'btn'); 
        btnEl.onclick = function ()      {deleteRow(this.parentNode.parentNode.rowIndex)};  
        btnEl.setAttribute('value', 'Delete');  
    function deleteRow(i){
//Função de teste para ver se esta pegando o array
function pedido(){



    <td>  Produto: <input type="text" name="produto" id="cprod" /> </td>  
      <td> Quantidade: <input type="number" name="quantidade" id="cquant" /> </td>
      <td> <input type='button' id='incluir' value='Incluir Produto' class="btn btn-primary" onclick='adiciona()'/> </td>
     <table id='tabelaBanco' class="table table-hover" border='0' width='100%'>
        <tr style='background-color:#FBF6F7'>
            <td class="produto"><strong>Produto</strong></td>
            <td class="quantidade"><strong>Quantidade</strong></td>
        <!-- Linhas e colunas correspondente aos seus registros -->
    <p> <input type='button' id='confirmar' value='Confirmar Pedido' class="btn btn-primary" onclick='pedido()'/> 

The only thing I want is to put the data in the array

1 answer


You are declaring the variable itens within the scope of the function adiciona(). Try to declare it in the global scope along with the variable totals.

  • Man you know how you helped me now that bullshit

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