Copy data from one database to another postgress


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How do I copy data from a database table to another database table in postgress

It’s possible to do something like?

  • What have you tried?

  • 1

    Depending on the number of tables, backup and restores seems simpler. It is possible via query as well

  • I think the guys gave him a hard time 'cause of THE BIGGEST ONE HE WAS BEFORE.

5 answers


You can do this with postgres via an extension called dblink the installation is in the postgres contrib or Shared extention folder, it is a script just run it and will be created 40 and few functions in the selected database.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The syntax is kind of verbose but in practice it is composed of 3 parts, the first is the setting of the Insert in the local database, the second is the setting of the remote connection and the select, the last is the typing of the return.

INSERT INTO tabela_local(id, nome, descricao, data)
    SELECT id, nome, descricao, data FROM 
    dblink('host=hostRemoto user=postgres password=senha dbname=base_remota'::text,
    'SELECT id, nome, descricao, data FROM tabela_remota'::text, false)
    tabela_temp(id integer, nome character varying, descricao character varying, data date)
  • THIS GIVING ME THIS ERROR: relation "alphabet" does not exist CONTEXT: Error occurred on dblink Connection named "unnamed": could not execute query.

  • @user2964140, put your query here in the comment.

  • 1

    @user2964140, fields/tables with the upper name vc should use double quotes.

  • yes that was it ;)

  • 1

    @user2964140, if you solved the problem mark the answer as accepted and take advantage and see How and why to accept an answer?


You can simplify using this code by changing the values of the tables

$ pg_dump -U postgres -aD -t tb_tabela1-t tb_tabela2 database
  • 1

    I’ve used it but you don’t recognize it

  • Could explain what that line does?

  • The output of these commands are nothing more than text files that contain a display pattern of each line.


I think you’ll need the dblink extension - dblink -- executes a query in a remote database

insert into realtime (symbol,date,price)
select * from dblink('dbname=stocks',
              'select name,date,(bid+ask)/2 as price
              from realtime
              where date > to_date(''20081231'',''yyyyMMDD'') and date < to_date(''20090201'',''yyyyMMDD'')')
         as t1 (name character varying,date timestamp,price numeric);
  • It is best to post part of the code here, not external links. Links may cease to exist and the answer will become vague

  • 1

    That answer is right +1. I don’t know why it took -1.

  • 1

    Because the moderator didn’t wait a minute for an edition in which I put the example code


It all depends on the periodicity of it.

If it is only once, you can take a backup of the table by pg_admin and a restore in the other bank.

If you want to send only a few records, you can use the command COPY. Below is an example:

COPY (select * from tabela) '/tmp/bkp_tabela'

If the bank you are going to do the restore is on the same server, just run the command

COPY nomeTabelaDestino TO '/tmp/bkp_tabela'

If the target database is on another server, just take the file bkp_tabela who is in the diretorio /tmp.


You can use dblink 1. First creates an extension with the help of a query in Postgres:

create Extension dblink 2. Immediately thereafter select [column name_name] from dblink('dbname=[path_name old] options=-csearch_path=_', 'select [column name_name] from [path_name new] ') as t ( [column name_name][data type that will be passed])

ex: select name from dblink('dbname=banco_-old options=-csearch_path=_', 'select name from public.social_person') as t (name text)

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