Right way to get a certain div


Viewed 66 times


I’m trying to figure out a way to access a div via jquery to manipulate it. Follow the code:

<div> <!-- Essa é a div que quero acessar -->
      <div id="conteudo">...</div>

As shown in the comment above, the div I want to access is the highest root of those shown here. I know these Ivs around are unnecessary, but sometimes some frameworks and cms put them, and then I find myself in a situation like this, having to access the div I want to move, as is in the comment.

What I do in jquery to access is the following:


How can I access this div without all this code? I often can’t get these unnecessary Ivs out, so I wanted to access the Ivs I want more effectively (imagine if there were 10 Ivs there, how many parents I would have to write...)

  • you can get the father of the div you want to manipulate?

  • yes, as I showed through Parent I do this, but wanted to do it in a better way, because if the div is involved by many other Divs, I will have to use several parents

  • You don’t understand the question, VC can know which is the father, or what kind of div exists above the one you want to manipulate?

  • ah yes. Look in some cases yes, but most of the time I can not. This is a case that I can not.

  • the problem then is just avoid calling .parent() several times?

  • Yeah, I wanted to see if you had something better to do in jquery.

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2 answers


Combine the function .parents() with the selector :eq():


Note that indexing is at 0, so to access the 3rd level should be used 2.

  • Exactly that! I didn’t know this combination could be made!


Puts an identifier on it an ID or a class and calls it directly

<div id="esse"> <!-- Essa é a div que quero acessar -->
      <div id="conteudo">...</div>

Then do the $('#esse').css('padding','15px'); if it is not possible to touch this div then the Penalty has already demonstrated the other way.

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