How to do for when click on an item from a menu to receive the corresponding view tab in Angularjs?


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Good guys I’m starting to study Angularjs, and in my application I wanted to do something similar to the following.

I have a dropdown menu and I also have some tabs that I created manually. By clicking on a menu item I wanted to make this tab receive the view but I’m not getting it. The most I did was by clicking on the change the corresponding content using the routes.

follows down the code I’ve only made of html assuming I have a part of routes already ready.

<div class="btn-group">
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
        Action <span class="caret"></span>
    <ul class="dropdown-menu">
        <li><a href="#create">Action</a></li>
        <li><a href="#list">Another action</a></li>
        <li><a href="#list">Something else here</a></li>
<div class="container" ng-init="tab=1">
    <ul class="tabs-nav">
        <li><a ng-click="tab=1" href="#edit" ng-class="{'active' : tab==1}">Aba 1</a></li>
        <li><a ng-click="tab=2" href="#list" ng-class="{'active' : tab==2}">Aba 2</a></li>
        <li><a ng-click="tab=3" href="#create" ng-class="{'active' : tab==3}">Aba 2</a></li>
    <div class="tabs-container">
        <div class="tab-content" ng-show="tab == 1">
            <div ui-view="main"></div>
        <div class="tab-content" ng-show="tab == 2">
            <div ui-view="main"></div>
        <div class="tab-content" ng-show="tab == 3">
            <div ui-view="main"></div>

It’s a basic example more what I’m doing is the following, I have a few tabs and in these tabs when I click on them they carry the content up to ai ok. However what I wanted is to click on the menu link one of the tabs received the view that I would configure. As I mentioned earlier I am using the routes to change by clicking on the tabs just wanted to do by the menu I am not able to link the menu with the tabs. If anyone has a solution for that thank you.

  • Which route system you are using?

  • I’m using the ui-router app.config(Function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) ai has the following "States", list create and Edit with the corresponding controllers and views.

  • You can’t put the template directly into html? or an ng-include?

  • Have you tried that? /#edit, /#create, /#list

  • @Celsomtrindade was what I thought to put this question I am not able to reference the menu button with the tab. By clicking the la menu item in my tab 1 for example the view to be called. Ivanferrer is exactly what I’m doing today, but what I’m doing is in the tabs by clicking on the tab itself opens the route /#Edit and so on. I wanted to click on the menu and in one of the tabs appear the view of a form. The question is how to link the menu item to a tab.

  • <a href="/#edit">Editar</a> ? Actually you have to put the bar as soon as it enters the page. your index always has to have a bar/ The problem is that the angular route makes use of the wire, and confuses a little with note on the same page.

  • @Ivanferrer this, however when clicking on one of the la items in the dropdown menu appear in one of the view tabs that I configure in the routes.

  • Your url has to look something like this:

  • I made with both modes for you @Davipereira see if any meets your need.

  • I don’t know what exactly the problem you’re having, but here in a system I did, it works normal...

  • @ivanFerrer I will be and soon post the result grateful for the help. I will update soon.

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2 answers


The solution using the router could be as follows:

.state('tab', {
    abstract: true, //não permite acessar diretamente esse view, deve ser um child
    views: {
        "tab": {
            controller: 'MeuCtrl',
            templateUrl: "seu/caminho/arquivo.html"
    .state('edit', {
        parent: 'tab',
        url: '/Tab1',
        views: {
            'main': {
                templateUrl: templateUrl: "seu/caminho/edit.html"
    .state('list', {
        parent: 'tab',
        url: '/Tab1',
        views: {
            'main': {
                templateUrl: templateUrl: "seu/caminho/list.html"
    .state('create', {
        parent: 'tab',
        url: '/Tab1',
        views: {
            'main': {
                templateUrl: templateUrl: "seu/caminho/create.html"

And in your html:

<ul class="tabs-nav">
    <li><a ng-click="tab=1" ui-sref="edit" ng-class="{'active' : tab==1}">Aba 1</a></li>
    <li><a ng-click="tab=2" ui-sref="list" ng-class="{'active' : tab==2}">Aba 2</a></li>
    <li><a ng-click="tab=3" ui-sref="create" ng-class="{'active' : tab==3}">Aba 2</a></li>

Note that the state tab has the true Abstract, IE, it can never be accessed directly, you must access one of the "Child state".

Ps.: the view tab would be to contain all the html that is in your question. Or if you already use the view main to do this, just create a secondary view to use only for tabs. If you do, don’t forget to switch to the Childs view on the route as well.

If you want to use directly in html, without the route, it is also possible, just use li without the href property, and add a direct ng-include in the template. Note that it needs to have double and single quotes.

<div class="tabs-container">
    <div class="tab-content" ng-show="tab == 1">
        <div ng-include="'seu/caminho/arquivo1.html'"></div>
    <div class="tab-content" ng-show="tab == 2">
        <div ng-include="'seu/caminho/arquivo2.html'"></div>
    <div class="tab-content" ng-show="tab == 3">
        <div ng-include="'seu/caminho/arquivo3.html'"></div>

Alternative to ng-include:

<ng-include src="'seu/caminho/arquivo3.html'"></ng-include>
  • very good understood perfectly. However I wanted to know just one more thing I have a Button with a dropdown menu and each item in this menu relates to a tab how do I link this menu item to that tab? Example: One of the menu items is the create item by clicking on the create item in the la menu in the tab 1 for example to show the view. Now I understand that part of ng-include and ui-router now just wanted to link my dropdown menu to tabs.

  • If you are using the router, just put the ui-sref there too, if not, just by ng-click="tab = X" in this menu. If I understood your question correctly, this would be it :)

  • That’s right I will test and soon put the answer. I am at work but thank you very much for the help. Soon I will return.

  • Okay. I’ll be waiting.

  • 1

    Thank you very much for the information was very helpful, I am seeing if I can do some more things with it in case I have any doubts I ask again. Very grateful for the response served me well.


Do more or less like this and see if it resolves:

var angularApp = angular.module('MyApp', ['ui.bootstrap', 'ngSanitize', 'ngRoute']);

var url = window.location.href;
var levels = url.split('/');

if (levels[4] == 'edit' || levels[4] == 'list' || levels[4] == 'create') {
                         function ($routeProvider) {
                            .when("/", {templateUrl: "/template/sua_template1.html",acao_1:" active"})
                            .when("/home", {templateUrl: "/template/sua_template2.html",acao_2:" active"})
                            .otherwise({redirectTo: '/home/'});


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