Input with the date of the respective day, without being able to be edited


Viewed 80 times


I need an input to come with the date of the respective day, for example today: 17/11/2015, tomorrow 18/11/2015. This input cannot allow edits.

My code is like this:

<label class="item item-input">
    <span class="cinza input-label">Data:</span>
    <input class="cinza" type="date">

1 answer


You can assign a variable with the current date in the input value, and mark it as readonly so it is not edited.

<input class="cinza" readonly type="date" value="{{data| date:'dd-MMM-yyyy'}}">

In the controller, $ = new Date();

  • 4

    Just be careful, 'cause input="date" does not work in all browsers and this can give you a lot of headache (as it is with me). Then check this date portability need.

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