I have a prototyping of a screen that should list data from a table:
I have to select the entire row of information, so I can’t put each data in a separate column, which means I want to put the entire information in a row but organized by columns, I need help. Preferably in php, since the connection and the registration system is in the language.
If it is only a prototype you can use an array with fixed values to display or display fixed values directly in html.
– rray
It would be nice to know more about your problem, like your data structure, what you’ve already done, the HTML structure, if you’ve ever assembled it. We’re here to try to help, but not to do the whole job. If the problem is to query the database and take the entire record have an example in the answer to this question http://answall.com/questions/98598/display-products-por-categoria-listed
– marcusagm