I have two doubts.
First, I have the opening and closing times of an establishment, and I have the current time, as I do an algorithm that calculates whether the establishment is open or closed and return a Boolean 'True' if it is open or Boolean 'False' if it’s closed.
The second, I want an event to expire, I create events for future days, I want my program to know that it already happened and stop displaying.
My program is done in PHP. Please help!
Related: http://answall.com/questions/20622/evento-expirates%C3%A7%C3%A3o-de-data-e-hora-php? Rq=1
– gustavox
Post something you’ve already done, so we can start helping, give an answer without even seeing what you’ve started.
– Junior Moreira
Here’s the basic tool for this, and some examples of usage. Then, just adapt to the type of variable you are using to store the date and time: http://php.net/manual/en/control-structures.if.php . If this does not resolve, click [Edit] and add more details about your problem to the question. Reading suggestion, fundamental for better use of Stack Overflow in Portuguese: [Tour], [Ask] and Community FAQ.
– Bacco