Field Size Error when running Insert in Postgresql in Delphi application


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I have a problem that could only be happening on a Friday #13.

I have an application in Delphi that controls SEDEX submissions and use the Postgresql database.

In a given column, called sdx_cepnet, store the information that generates the Barcode. This information comes from a field in the form (a Tmaskedit masked 00000-000;0;)

From the contents of this field I apply a formula to add a check digit and include a control character at the beginning (start) and in the end (stop) of the bar code.

Ex.: Assuming the zip code 12345-678 the CEPNET will be /123456784\ - 4 is DV, / is start character, stop character.

So far everything happens as the costume says, all values arrive correct to SQL statement.

Only when executing the INSERT statement it fails with the very long value error for the char(11) field (which I have already confirmed to be the sdx_cepnet fields, due to the doubts).

Follows relevant part of the DDL of the table

CREATE TABLE public.tbsdx (
  sdx_numobj NUMERIC(9,0),
  sdx_siglaobj CHAR(2),
  sdx_paisorigem CHAR(2),
  sdx_cep CHAR(8),
  sdx_numobj2 VARCHAR(13),
  sdx_cepnet CHAR(11), -- << CAMPO EM QUESTÃO
-- (...)
) WITH (oids = true);

Unit code

  // (...) Outros códigos

  // Início Calculo DV CEP
  v_soma := 0;
  for i:= 1 to Length(MkEdCep.Text) do
    v_soma := v_soma + StrToInt(copy(MkEdCep.Text, i, 1));

  v_soma := v_soma Mod 10;
  if v_soma > 0 then
      v_soma := 10 - v_soma;

  CEPr := Format('/%s%d\', [MkEdCep.Text, v_soma]);
  v_soma := Length(CEPr); // DEBUG
  // Fim Calculo DV CEP

  with dm do
      SqlAux1.SQL.Add('UPDATE tbsdx ');
      SqlAux1.SQL.Add('SET sdx_cepnet = :cepnet, sdx_valor = :valor, ');
      // (...) Outros campos
      SqlAux1.SQL.Add('WHERE sdx_numobj2 = :numboj2 ');
      SqlAux1.ParamByName('cepnet').AsString := CEPr;
      SqlAux1.ParamByName('valor').AsFloat := Moeda2Float(EdValor.Text);
      SqlAux1.ParamByName('numboj2').AsString := EdObjeto.Text;
        SqlAux1.ExecSQL; // Executando a instrução
        if SqlAux1.RowsAffected > 0 then
     // ...continua

Follow the DEBUG and error

Conteúdo da Variável CEPr contendo o CEPNET

Informação de Tamanho da String

Mensagem de Erro de Execução de Instrução

What I’ve tried hasn’t worked

  • Place *'/123456784 ' directly in the CEPR variable
  • Trim
  • Use copy(string, 1, 11)

What makes the statement run correctly

  • Use copy(string, 1, 10)
  • Use '12345678940'

The question is: How to make the field accept the correct value??

2 answers


I do not recommend you use a CHAR field to store this type of information, switch to VARCHAR and run the tests. CHAR fields are not good to handle some symbols! Not to mention wasting space to store information!

Here you can find more information on the subject: Types for strings of characters.

  • I understand the recommendation about using VARCHAR AND CHAR, but internally in POSTGRESQL there is no difference in these types beyond the space reserve (explanation included in the link posted) which leads to believe that if there is a problem with "some symbols" in CHAR there will also be in VARCHAR. In my case, the modeling cannot be changed, although I can do tests.

  • @Marcosregis, the VARCHAR accepts any symbol, the CHAR is not quite so! I await the tests!

  • Your answer is bad and I’ll tell you why. First, you mention some symbols but it doesn’t say which ones. Second, it did not show the documentation stating that there is a difference in content storage between VARCHAR and CHAR even though I said there is no and that the link that posted does not inform. Third, you assumed that the change to VARCHAR would work without the slightest certainty that it would fix the problem. I changed the field to VARCHAR and ran the test and the error persisted. But all is not lost, based on what you said about "symbols" I changed the approach and understood where the problem was.

  • Your comment is bad and I’ll tell you why. First, you have not read the link I offered you to tell you about the First (See Section for information about the syntax of literal strings). Second, the very link offered for more information is the Postgresql 8.0.0 DOCUMENTATION. Third, in the certainty that you misinterpret the answers and make a certain attack on the likely only person who has tried to help you so far, I withdraw from your question by briefly removing my answer!

  • Although in the coldness of the lyrics it seems to have been that, it was not. I managed to get to the solution based on your comment. I mentioned about bad answer because it doesn’t help possible other developers with similar problems and still raises a question about difference of types. I read the full page even though it was for a very old version of Postgresql in the hope that I would find what you mentioned about symbols. If you changed the answer so that there was learning about the problem I would have marked it with +1. Note that tbm did not mark -1. And yes, I appreciate your effort.

  • @Marcosregis, the question is not to earn +1 or -1, note that I am not a points collector, I did not delete the answer because I will leave it for the others to read and extract the answer, of course, nothing chewed, but make yourself friend, read the mentioned item ( from the link I posted, it’s exactly what you formulated as a response! Without further ado here, after all, Answer has already been given!

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After a long time of testing and research I found out why the problem was happening.

I blindly believed that using the methods of Bind of lib ZEOS was the same as in other objects of other languages, such as Hibernate or PDO, but was completely wrong.

The method .Bindbyparam does not escape characters. It just replaces the placeholder with the past content. The same happens with .Params[Indice] and how \ is a special character for Postgresql, he understood that I was escaping the next character, making the mistake happen.

Probably this problem is not unique to the use of ZEOS with Postgresql. It should also happen with Oracle and SQL Server.

The solution was to use the Postgresql escape operator (And) in string base.

SqlAux1.SQL.Add('SET sdx_cepnet = E:cepnet, ');

what will make the code

SqlAux1.ParamByName('cepnet').AsString := '/123456784\';

result in

SqlAux1.SQL.Add('SET sdx_cepnet = E''/123456784\'', '); // '' É a forma do Delphi de escapar aspas em uma string

More details about correct escape of PGSQL characters can be found in the official documentation at

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