I am working on a project using Node.js.
I need to use a local database, but I wanted to reconcile performance with security, and if possible, portability as well.
I only know MS Access (.accdb) and Sqlite3.
Prós: Senha
Contras: Lento, Tem que instalar o Microsoft JET (pois com ODBC é mais lento ainda)
Plataforma: Windows
Prós: Rápido, Não precisa instalar nada (o node.js suporta por padrão)
Contras: Não tem como colocar senha
Plataforma: Várias
OBS: Poderia criptografar os dados, mas um SELECT com 5 mil dados demoraria um pouco
pra descriptografar cada campo dos registros.
Does anyone know any other local database that I can use, and that if possible does not need to install anything on the computer (at most a module in Node.js), and that works at least on Windows and Linux?
I saw on the internet Firebird, in the benchmark it showed to be very fast, but I did not understand if it is local, because I saw an example that set the file path, but also had an IP. Could someone talk more about?
Thank you.
– DiegoAugusto