Chronometer between two Angularjs dates


Viewed 985 times


Suppose I have two dates: 2015-11-13T08:00:00 and 2015-11-13T10:00:00, as you can see there is a difference of two hours between these dates. I would like to put a chronometer in my view that shows this difference.

I tried to adapt this example:

But when I change it, it stops working.

How do I make this chronometer, or where to start?

2 answers


I created a directive on Angular JS for that reason:

 angular.module('iCountdown', [])
    .directive("iCountdown", function () {
        return {
            restrict: "EAC",
            scope: {
                setStartDate: "@",
                setEndDate: "@",
                expireMessage: "@",
                startMessage: "@", 
                formatView: "@",
                setTemplateView: "@",
                consideredCurrentDate: "@",

            replace: true,
            template: "<div><div></div></div>",
            link: function (scope, element) {
                var insertDate = function() {
                   if (angular.isDefined(scope.setStartDate) && angular.isDefined(scope.setEndDate)) {
                       params.dateStart = scope.setStartDate;
                       params.dateEnd = scope.setEndDate;
                       if (angular.isDefined(scope.setTemplateView)) {
                           params.templateView =  scope.setTemplateView;
                           params.activeCurrentDate = scope.consideredCurrentDate;

                scope.$watch('setDateEnd', function() {
                }, true);

                var _end = new Date();
                var _start = new Date();
                var _second = 1000;
                var _minute = _second * 60;
                var _hour = _minute * 60;
                var _day = _hour * 24;

                var params = {
                    hour: _hour,
                    day: _day,
                    interval: null,
                    messageFinal: 'expired!',
                    messageInitial: 'please whait...',
                    format:'Y-m-d H:i:s',
                    dateEnd: null,
                    dateStart: null,
                    currDate: null,
                    templateView: null,

                scope.getCurrentStartDate = function() {

                    var _dt = new Date();
                     var _current = [
                                  ((_dt.getMonth()+1) < 10 ? '0' + (_dt.getMonth()+1) : (_dt.getMonth()+1)),
                                  (_dt.getDate() < 10 ? '0' + _dt.getDate() : _dt.getDate())
                                 [(_dt.getHours() < 10 ? '0' + _dt.getHours() : _dt.getHours()),
                                  (_dt.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' + _dt.getMinutes() : _dt.getMinutes()),
                                  (_dt.getSeconds() < 10 ? '0' + _dt.getSeconds() : _dt.getSeconds())
                               ].join(' ');
                    return _current;


                scope.setMessageExpired = function(message) {
                    params.messageFinal = message;

                scope.setMessageInitial = function(message) {
                    params.messageInitial = message;

                scope.setId = function(id) {
           = id;
                    scope.viewElement.setAttribute("id", id);

                 scope.setDateStarter = function(strDate) {
                    params.protype.dateStart = strDate;

                scope.setDateFinal = function(strDate) {
                   params.protype.dateEnd = strDate;

               var createElementDate = function(strDate) {

                    var reggie = /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/;
                    var dateArray = reggie.exec(strDate);
                    return new Date(
                        (+dateArray[2])-1, // Careful, month starts at 0!

                scope.remaining = function() {
                    if (!params.currDate)
                       if (params.activeCurrentDate == 'true') {
                           params.dateStart = (createElementDate(scope.setStartDate).getTime() < createElementDate(scope.getCurrentStartDate()).getTime()) ? scope.getCurrentStartDate() : params.dateStart;
                        params.currDate = createElementDate(params.dateStart);

                    _start = params.currDate;
                    _end = createElementDate(params.dateEnd);

                    if (!(_end instanceof Date) || isNaN(_end.valueOf()) ) {
                        element[0].innerHTML = 'A data final não foi definida,' +
                            ' adicione uma data conforme o exemplo: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss!';
                    if (!(_start instanceof Date) || isNaN(_start.valueOf()) ) {
                        element[0].innerHTML = 'A data inicial não foi definida,'+
                            ' adicione uma data conforme o exemplo: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss!';

                     if (!params.currDate)
                        element[0].innerHTML = 'A data inicial é inválida!';
                    params.currDate.setSeconds(params.currDate.getSeconds() + 1);

                    var distance = _end - _start;

                    if (distance < 0) {
                        element[0].innerHTML = params.messageFinal;
                    var i=0;
                    var checkInterval = setInterval(function() {
                      if (createElementDate(scope.getCurrentStartDate()).getTime() < createElementDate(scope.setStartDate).getTime()) {
                      element[0].innerHTML = params.messageInitial;
                      } else {

                    var days = Math.floor(distance /;
                    var hours = Math.floor((distance % / params.hour);
                    var minutes = Math.floor((distance % params.hour) / params.minute);
                    var seconds = Math.floor((distance % params.minute) / params.second);
                    var elementsTime = [];
                    elementsTime[0] =((days < 10) ? '0' : '') + days;
                    elementsTime[1] =((hours < 10) ? '0' : '') + hours;
                    elementsTime[2] =((minutes < 10) ? '0' : '') + minutes;
                    elementsTime[3] =((seconds < 10) ? '0' : '') + seconds;
                    element[0].innerHTML =  scope.setFormatViewTime(elementsTime);


                scope.setFormatViewTime = function(elementsTime) {
                    var view = scope.formatView
                        .replace(/%d/gi, elementsTime[0])
                        .replace(/%h/gi, elementsTime[1])
                        .replace(/%i/gi, elementsTime[2])
                        .replace(/%s/gi, elementsTime[3]);

                    if(angular.isDefined(params.templateView) && params.templateView != null && params.templateView != "") {
                        return params.templateView.replace(/%t/gi, view);
                    } else {
                       return view; 

                scope.setFormatDate = function(format) {
                    params.format = format;

                scope.start = function () {

                    if (!(_end instanceof Date) || isNaN(_end.valueOf()) ) {
                        element[0].innerHTML = 'A data final não foi definida, '+
                            'adicione uma data conforme o exemplo: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss!';
                    if (!(_start instanceof Date) || isNaN(_start.valueOf()) ) {
                        element[0].innerHTML = 'A data inicial não foi definida, '+
                            'adicione uma data conforme o exemplo: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss!';
                    if (_start > _end) {
                        element[0].innerHTML = 'A data inicial não pode ser maior que a data final!';
                    params.interval = setInterval(this.remaining, params.second);


The directive in HTML:

<div ng-app="iCountdown">
<i-countdown set-start-date="2015-11-13 10:58:00"
             set-end-date="2015-11-13 13:18:00"
             format-view="%d dias %h hs %i min %s sg"
             expire-message="Fim de jogo"
             start-message="Aguarde o início"
             set-template-view="<div id='elemento'>%t</div>">

Here the working example

  • By analyzing the directive I believe it will outweigh my need. But only one question, as I use it directly in the controller passing the two dates as parameter?

  • It worked out, thank you very much. One last question, if I want to change the color of the game "end" message where I have to change?

  • Dude, you build a template. in this template you pass id class, etc... vc you can pass the message as html "<p class='theme'/>end of game</p>".

  • A yes, I get it. Thanks :D


Instantiating new Date you can have a cleaner code, like what I did: In the project I used I had to add Timezone as well. The vm before the variable is the controller var vm = this;

    vm.dataInicial = undefined;
    vm.cronometro = '00:00:00';

    vm.tick = function() {
        if(vm.dataInicial) {
            var dataAgora =;
            var timezone = new Date().getTimezoneOffset();

            vm.cronometro = new Date(new Date(dataAgora).getTime() - new Date(vm.dataInicial).getTime());
            vm.cronometro.setMinutes(vm.cronometro.getMinutes() + timezone);
        $timeout(vm.tick, 1000);

    $timeout(vm.tick, 1000);

When I consult a pending service and need the starting date different from I make the line below:

vm.dataInicial = new Date(parseInt(;

In HTML it was very simple to call:

<h3 ng-show="vm.atendimentoIniciado && vm.dataInicial" style="color: #8E0000">{{vm.cronometro | date: 'HH:mm:ss'}}</h3>

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