JSON output in a table


Viewed 354 times


Good afternoon,

And I put a search field, and as soon as the search is done, I popular a table with the users found.. The part of the query I managed to do, but now I’m not getting popular(actually I have no idea how it does, I searched but still could not) a table with the names..

Follow the controller part (the one responsible for receiving the parameter, doing the search, and returning the values)

    public JsonResult PorcurarPessoas (string searchString)
        IQueryable<Pessoa> pessoas = db.Pessoa.Where(c => c.deleted_at == null);
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString))
            int codigo;
            int.TryParse(searchString, out codigo);

            pessoas = pessoas.Where(s =>
                s.nome.ToUpper().Contains(searchString.ToUpper()) ||
                s.id == codigo ||
                s.Juridica.CNPJ.Contains(searchString) ||
                s.Fisica.CPF.Contains(searchString) ||
        return Json(pessoas, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

J(I took this part from an example I found on the net..)

    $("#procurar").on("click", function () {
        type: 'POST',
        url: '@Url.Action("PorcurarPessoas", "Movimentacao")',
        data: {
            searchString: $("#searchString").val()
        dataType: 'json',
        success: function (data) {
            if (!data) {
                alert('Pessoa não encontrada. Por favor verifiquei e tente novamente.');
            } else {
                var tabela = $("#datagrid");
                var rows = "";
                tabela.find("tbody td").remove();
                _.each(data, function (item) {
                    rows += "<tr>";
                    rows += " <td>" + item.nome + "</td>";
                    rows += " <td>" + item.razaosocial + "</td>";
                    rows += " <td>" + item.cpf_cnpj + "</td>";
                    rows += "</tr>";
        error: function (data) {



<table id="datagrid"></table>

I put a breakpoint in the query and it’s working. The problem ta na hr of forming the same table.. someone would know me how to do that.?

1 answer


If your query data is returning well, then the problem seems to be in the way you loop the data. the _each function I think is the _underscore technology. I think you should use $.each:

$("#procurar").on("click", function () {
    type: 'POST',
    url: '@Url.Action("PorcurarPessoas", "Movimentacao")',
    data: {
        searchString: $("#searchString").val()
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {
        if (!data) {
            alert('Pessoa não encontrada. Por favor verifiquei e tente novamente.');
        } else {
            var tabela = $("#datagrid");
            var rows = "";
            tabela.find("tbody td").remove();
            $.each(data, function (item) {
                rows += "<tr>";
                rows += " <td>" + item.nome + "</td>";
                rows += " <td>" + item.razaosocial + "</td>";
                rows += " <td>" + item.cpf_cnpj + "</td>";
                rows += "</tr>";
    error: function (data) {

  • Good morning, I tried to do what you suggested, but it didn’t help. When I search it displays the error: "Error[Object Object]", this only when it finds some result, when it does not find, nor does the message that it was not found register display.. And about _each, it’s the _underscore technology yes, I left it that way because in the example I saw it was that way.. Thanks for trying to help :D..

  • Please give an example of the json data that is expected to better understand

  • {"name":"Igor Marcante", "razaosocial":"Igor", "cpf_cnpj": "21574898521"}

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