Bring user information to the model


Viewed 51 times


I have a code that lists several reports. These reports are saved in the database and to call them I use the Model in the Codeigniter. Inside the model, I have one where and to make it work perfectly, with the information I want, I need to take a data of the user who is viewing this list.

Example: Be able to take the status that the user is registered, to put inside the where.

For the time being my model:

$this->datatables->select('relatorios.l_id, relatorios.l_tipo_inspecao, empr.e_nome, relatorios.l_data_hora, user.u_nome, relatorios.l_status');
        $this->datatables->join('user', 'relatorios.u_id = user.u_id');
        $this->datatables->join('dispo', 'relatorios.d_id = dispo.d_id');
        $this->datatables->join('empr', 'empr.e_id = user.e_id');
        $this->datatables->where('user.u_uf', 'SC');
        return $this->datatables->generate();

In that where('user.u_uf', 'SC'); the SC that needs to be the data taken from the user.

  • If you reference a variable instead of the 'SC' doesn’t solve? something like $_POST["uf_usuario"] ?

  • @Marllonnasser I tried to put a variable, but I did not succeed in trying to pass the state to her

  • Post your form code with the... edit action in your question :)

  • 1

    that user would be the logged in user?

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