What is the best option to escape a string before inserting it into the database. addslashes() or mysql_real_scape_string()?


Viewed 159 times


I am developing a project that involves pass words among other important infomations that I need to insert into the mysql database.

My question is which option should I use to escape this data against sql Injection. I am currently using a regular expression that removes unwanted characters. I am using PDO.

  • To enter data into the database, use the mysql_real_escape_string, then if possible explain better why. Take advantage and read this - Why not use mysql functions_*

1 answer


  • I was reading a little about the addslashes and I was in doubt because there was an article that explained that this method was not safe. Hence my doubt.

  • Using addslashes is almost the same as forcing the use of quotes in the PDO, this is kind of the idea.

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