What is a string template (literal string declared with "`" grave accent) for in Javascript?


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I was fiddling with the Chrome console these days and then, as my keyboard was disfigured, I accidentally typed the grave accent ` instead of single quotes ' to create a string.

The interesting thing is that it worked correctly:

`teste da minha string`

What is the difference of this way of declaring the string, for this below?

'teste da minha string'

2 answers


The backticks delimit templates (strings template), where the language is able to interpolate variables and expressions. Example of MDN:

var a = 5;
var b = 10;
console.log(`Fifteen is ${a + b} and\nnot ${2 * a + b}.`);

These templates may even contain line breaks:

var c = `Começa aqui...
         ... e termina aqui`;


The grave accent delimits a new type of literal string in Javascript, called string template (or literal template). Introduced in Ecmascript 2015 specification (ES6).

Among the possibilities of a string template, may be mentioned:

Literal line breaking

Unlike "normal" string literals (delimited by single quotes ' or double quotes "), strings template can house multiple lines without any kind of exhaust:

const name = 'Foo';
const age = 'Bar';

const htmlStr = 
  `<div>Name: ${name}</div>
   <div>Idade: ${age}</div>`;

Interpolation of values

It is possible to interpolate values within a string template. This is useful because it avoids the use of the concatenation operator +, that often ends up "polluting" the code:

const name = 'Foo';
const age = 'Bar';

const oldWay = 'Olá, chamo-me ' + name + ' e tenho ' + age + ' anos.';
const newWay = `Olá, chamo-me ${name} e tenho ${age} anos.`;

By interpolating some value, it will always be converted to type string. For that reason, ToString shall be applied to the interpolated value.

Tagged template string

In a way, you can use a string template as the "argument" of a function. In this case, the function is called tag and precedes the first acute accent character:

tag`Caracteres da string...`;

Once that expression is evaluated, tag (which is a function) is invoked. At the first argument is passed the array of each string (separated at the interpolation location). The other arguments (is a variadic function) are the interpolated values themselves. The possibilities of this are infinite. It is the basis for libraries like styled-components. Another application is to filter the value to be interpolated to, for example, prevent XSS. This article (in English) exemplifies.


The String.raw allows the use of strings without applying escape sequences, such as \n, \t etc. The String.raw is a function tag built-in in the language, so that the tag Function is raw, method within the global object String.

This question gives more details on the String.raw. To documentation may also be useful.

It’s really a "template"?

Despite the name "strings template", this kind of literal string is not exactly a template itself, since, unlike this one, the strings template do not allow further evaluation. Thus, all values that will be interpolated should be in scope at the time when the literal is evaluated by Runtime. This theme is most discussed in this other answer.

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