Difficulty with creating SQL query


Viewed 62 times


I am creating a view with the following query:

    COD_PESSOA as ra,
    NOM_PESSOA as nome,
    COD_PESSOA_PAI as pai,
    COD_PESSOA_MAE as mae,

This query returns a result like this:

ra      nome          pai      mae
1       ciclano       4        5
2       fulano        6        7
3       beltrano      8        9
6       joão          NULL     NULL
9       maria         NULL     NULL

I want in place of the numbers returned in pai and mae, return the names. But the codes of the father and mother are ra also and are stored in the same table. Is there any way to return the names instead in ra with a single consultation?

  • What is the primary key?

  • There is no primary key

  • 1

    So it gets hard, because if the cod_pessoa_pai for 4 and when you will look in 4 meets several people with this number, it is impossible to know which one is the father. The same happens with the mother.

2 answers


Try this:

    a.cod_pessoa AS ra,
    a.nom_pessoa AS nome,
    p.nom_pessoa AS pai,
    m.nom_pessoa AS mae
FROM pessoa a
LEFT OUTER JOIN pessoa p ON p.cod_pessoa = a.cod_pessoa_pai
LEFT OUTER JOIN pessoa m ON m.cod_pessoa = a.cod_pessoa_mae

In this case, I’m joining the crowd a with your father (who is the person p) and also joining with the mother (who is the person m). Use the LEFT OUTER JOIN so that he does not exclude persons who have no registered father or mother (in these cases, the father and/or mother will be NULL).

  • 2

    It worked perfectly, thank you!


It is also possible to use sub selects in the query:

    PES.COD_PESSOA as ra,
    PES.NOM_PESSOA as nome,
    (select PAI.NOM_PESSOA from PESSOA as PAI where PAI.COD_PESSOA = PES.COD_PESSOA_PAI) as nome_pai,
    (select MAE.NOM_PESSOA from PESSOA as MAE where MAE.COD_PESSOA = PES.COD_PESSOA_MAE) as nome_mae
from PESSOA as PES
  • Was a mistake: Subquery returned more than 1 value

  • 1

    Try to use the Select FIRST in the sub-select, but the query should not return more than one record, because we are filtering through the primary key (COD_PESSOA) that should not be repeated.

  • 1

    COD_PESSOA is not a primary key. This value repeats, is a table of enrollments and has enrollments of several years, so the value repeats (I think a kind of dumb way to model but I can’t change it)

  • SQL Server is not recognizing the first: 'FIRST' is not a recognized built-in function name

  • 1

    In the link I put in the comment has the syntax for each DB. Just pointing out, you must have a primary key. Give a read in that article

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