$Scope Form Angularjs Directive


Viewed 994 times


I am having difficulty in creating a directive on the following point.

I have a data listing, and in this listing I have a callController controller, and in this listing page I have a modal that calls a template made with the directive:

.directive('formCall', function(appAngularConfig) {

    return {
        templateUrl: appAngularConfig.baseUrl + "/build/js/views/templates/__form_call.html",
        restrict: "E"


I have another controller that calls editController la has a function responsible for calling the modal and popular the inputs that are in the modal coming via template by directive, but it does not work I realize that editController does not "see" the ng-model of the template. Now if I put in the same controller where the modal this is callController works normally.

Look at the directive:

.directive('formCall', function(appAngularConfig) {

    return {
        templateUrl: appAngularConfig.baseUrl + "/build/js/views/templates/__form_call.html",
        restrict: "E",


Already from Scope as false and nothing.

  • You can try to communicate between them by determining the value in a factory and referencing it there. Or, in the first controller you can set your $Scope to $rootScope. You’ve tried something like this?

3 answers


To communicate the values using the controller, which seems to me to be your case, you can define the value to be passed to the modal through a $rootScope, which would be a global "variable". I recommend that you be careful with the use of $rootScope, because if there is abuse, you may end up having future problems with the use of this Scope.

To use it, simply boot into the controller and then set the value to $rootScope. In the following modules, you no longer need to reference $rootScope, just as $Scope, since it has already been set. In your case, it would look something like this:

.controller('callController', function($rootScope) {
    $rootScope.modalData = [item];

.controller('editController', function($scope) {
    var minhaData = $scope.modalData;
    $scope.modal = $scope.modalData;
    //e por ai vai.. 

Or you can reference through a Factory, for example:

.factory('factPrincipal', function ($http){
    var _modal = false;

    var getData = function() {
        return $http.get('dist/data.json');

    return {
        getData: getData()

And on the controller:

.controller('callController', function($scope, factPrincipal) {
    $scope.modalData = factPrincipal.getData();

.controller('editController', function($scope, factPrincipal) {
    $scope.modal = factPrincipal.getData();

Would that be your question?


I saw Mayllon Baumer’s answer only then, I was working on mine. But I had the same problem once and the Mayllon solution did not work in my case because the modal was an external module, and the data was not being passed, no matter what I did. But it might work for you.

  • Celsom, actually using the $rootScope works, but did not want to use - it for fear of losing control for being a global variable. What I understand as the form is a directive with template the ng-model of this form is not seen in another controller. Only in the controller that calls the page where the modal is.

  • Did you create the modal yourself or is it an open source? Have you tried the Mayllon solution?

  • Ps.: In my case, when I really need a $rootScope, I always make the statement with the prefix _ ex.: $rootScope._algumaCoisa so I know if there is one $scope._algumaCoisa, is actually a reference to a global variable. If there is no other way out, it is a matter of setting up a good flow for you. With me it worked like this.

  • Mm, good tip. I’ll use it this way you said then.

  • No way to transfer or merge the two controllers? What’s the point of having 2 controllers that will interact with the same modal?

  • I actually wanted to separate this controller. I have a controller that lists the data where the modal is, and wanted another controller where the data will be updated. In the controller where the modal has a table where I have an ng-click: <a href="" ng-click="openModalEditCall(call)"> <img src="/build/icons/page_edit.png"> </a> click and popularize the inputs form. That’s the problem I can’t get the form inputs popular. This controller doesn’t see the form ng-model. If I use $rootScope all right like you said.

  • For simplicity’s sake, I don’t know if you should separate your controller into segments that small. You could create the modal - modalCtrl controller and there are the modal functions. For example: I have a controller for shopping cart - cartCtrl, it has the functions: $Scope.addItem, $Scope.removeItem, $Scope.clearCart and $Scope.checkout, where its database comes from a Factory, as in the example of my reply. Wouldn’t such an organization be possible for you? you really need to segment the controller?

  • you are right, I think I am separating things too much. I will follow your guidance Celsom. Note 10, thanks for the help.

  • I’m happy to help =D

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See if this example helps you:

var app = angular.module('app', []);

angular.module('app').controller('igCtrl', function ($scope) {

    $scope.email = "";
    $scope.pwd = "";
    $scope.algumaCoisaQualquer = "JEC não cai!!!! cvai e figay vão cair!!!";
    $scope.loggedIn = false;
    $scope.loggingIn = false;

    $scope.showLogin = function () {
        $scope.loggingIn = true;

    $scope.logout = function () {
        // do your logout logic
        $scope.user = null;
        $scope.loggedIn = false;

    $scope.login = function () {
        // do your login logic
        $scope.loggingIn = false;
        $scope.loggedIn = true;

app.directive('igLogin', function () {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        replace: true,
        template: '<div>' +
'  <div class="modal fade" id="loginModal" tabindex="-1" + role = "dialog" aria-labelledby = "myModalLabel" aria-hidden = "true" > ' +
'    <div class = "modal-dialog" > ' +
'      <form name = "form" ng - submit = "submit()" > ' +
'        <div class = "modal-content" > ' +
'          <div class = "modal-header" > ' +
'            <button type="button" class = "close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true" ng-click="cancel()" > Cancel </button>' +
'              <h3>{{algumaCoisaQualquer}} </h3 > ' +
'          </div>' +
'          <div class="modal-body">' +
'            <table border="0"><tr><td>Email: </td><td><input type="email" ng-model="email"></input > </td></tr> ' +
'            <tr><td>Password: </td><td><input type = "password" ng-model = "pwd" > </input></td></tr>' +
'            <tr><td colspan="2"><input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" id="submit" ng-click="submit()" value="Login"></input ></td></tr></table> ' +
'          </div>' +
'        </div > ' +
'      </form>' +
'    </div > ' +
'  </div>' +
'</div > ',
        controller: function ($scope) {
            $scope.submit = function() {
            $scope.cancel = function() {
                $scope.loggingIn = false;
            $scope.$watch('loggingIn', function() {
                if ($scope.loggingIn) {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.0.2/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<link href="http://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.0.2/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script>
<div ng-app="app">
    <div ng-controller="igCtrl"> 
        <a href="#" ng-hide="loggedIn" ng-click="showLogin()">login</a>
        <a href="#" ng-show="loggedIn"ng-click="logout()">logout</a>


You can try the following, use the object that contains the information you want to send to the modal as two way data Binding, would be more or less like this:

.directive('formCall', function(appAngularConfig) {

    return {
        templateUrl: appAngularConfig.baseUrl + "/build/js/views/templates/__form_call.html",
        restrict: "E",
seuObjecto: '='


.directive('formCall', function(appAngularConfig) {

    return {
        templateUrl: appAngularConfig.baseUrl + "/build/js/views/templates/__form_call.html",
        restrict: "E",
seuObjecto: '='

  • Mayllon Baumer, thank you for your help, but you can’t. Because I have a problem with the ng-model form loaded by the template directive when the modal opens. I am the controller that is loading the modal that works. If I call in another controller, which is what I’m looking for it doesn’t see the ng-model form.

  • Hmmm, see if this doesn’t solve the problem: http://answall.com/questions/94871/passar-diretiva-dentro-de-template/94873?noredirect=1#comment192596_94873

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