graphicImage does not render: ? pfdrid_c=true


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I’m trying to display an image with , but it’s not showing in any browser.

On my page I make the call of the mode image:

<p:graphicImage value="/upload/#{desap.foto}" height="140"
                                width="140" />

and when I compile and place in inspect element it appears as follows:



That’s the way my Managedbean is.

@ManagedBean(name = "desapBean")

public class CadastroDesaparecidoBean {

private Desaparecido desaparecido;
private DescricaoDesaparecido descricao;
private List<Desaparecido> listaDesaparecido;
private String situacao = null;

// Pega o usuário logado
@ManagedProperty(value = "#{uBean.usuario}")
private Usuario responsavel;

private UploadArquivo arquivo = new UploadArquivo();

private boolean skip;
private boolean isdeficiencia = false;
private boolean booEditar = false;

public void inicializar() {

    try {
        listaDesaparecido = new DesaparecidoJPA()

    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Não foi possível resgatar os dados");

public void limpar() {
    desaparecido = new Desaparecido();
    descricao = new DescricaoDesaparecido();
    arquivo = new UploadArquivo();

 * Metodo para realizar o upload de uma foto Os tipos de dados sao validados
 * no Primefaces
public void uploadAction(FileUploadEvent event) {
    FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    try {
        this.arquivo.fileUpload(event, ".jpg");

        fc.addMessage("formcaddesap", new FacesMessage("", event.getFile()
                .getFileName() + " foi carregada."));

    } catch (Exception ex) {
        fc.addMessage("formcaddesap", new FacesMessage("", event.getFile()
                .getFileName() + " não foi carregada."));

public String cadastrar() {

    FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    try {


        new DesaparecidoJPA().gravar(desaparecido);


                + " cadastrado com sucesso.");

        System.out.println("arquivo gravado: " + arquivo.getNome());


    } catch (Exception e) {

        FacesUtil.addSuccessMessage("Dados não foram armazenados!");

    return "/admin/painelresp?faces-redirect=true";


This is the File Upload Class:

public class UploadArquivo {

private String caminho;
private byte[] arquivo;
private String nome;

public UploadArquivo() {

public String getNome() {
    return nome;

public String getRealPath() {

    FacesContext aFacesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ServletContext context = (ServletContext) aFacesContext
    //Caminho dentro do projeto no servidor - onde ficarao salvas. 
    return context.getRealPath("/WEB-INF/upload/");

public void fileUpload(FileUploadEvent event, String tipo) throws Exception {
    this.nome = new java.util.Date().getTime() + "_"
            + event.getFile().getSize() + tipo;

    this.arquivo = event.getFile().getContents();
    this.caminho = getRealPath() + getNome();

    File file = new File(getRealPath());

    System.out.println("caminho: " + caminho);
    System.out.println("Nome: " + getNome());

public void gravar() {

    try {

        FileOutputStream fos;
        fos = new FileOutputStream(this.caminho);

    } catch (Exception ex) {


This is the Bean snippet that loads the list to display in Datagrid:

@ManagedBean(name = "api")
public class AplicacaoBean {

private Desaparecido desaparecido;
private DescricaoDesaparecido descricao;
private List<Desaparecido> lista;
private List<Desaparecido> resultados = new ArrayList<Desaparecido>();
public void inicializar() {
     try {
          desaparecido = new Desaparecido();
          lista = new DesaparecidoJPA().listar();
     } catch (Exception e) {
public List<Desaparecido> getLista() {
    return lista;
//Getters and Setters...

The Missing Entity photo attribute is of the String type.

The photo is being recorded correctly on the server, I put to print the path and it shows: C:\workspace\Java EE SE\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp2\wtpwebapps\ajudeaencontrar\WEB-INF\upload

Does anyone have any idea how to solve this? I’m willing to display the photo to the user. I’ve looked here on the site, but I can’t find anything specific.

  • Friend, post the chunk of your bean so that understanding is facilitated.

  • Ok, I edited and includes the MB with File Upload.

  • In the stretch System.out.println("Nome: " + getNome()); what is printed?

  • Another thing, this image that you’re trying to visualize, it’s called in another view or it’s still in the same upload view?

  • It displays the name that was generated by my rule in the code, the print looks like this: Nome: 1447176144390_2247.jpg. Path print example: C:\workspace\Java EE SE\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\wtpwebapps\ajudeaencontrar\WEB-INF\upload1447176144390_2247.jpg. In BD it only writes the name: 1447176144390_2247.jpg. I try to view in another Sessionscoped view, where the client searches and should be displayed the photo along with the other data.

  • A doubt, in this passage: src="/ajudeaencontrar/upload/444?pfdrid_c=true" should not be shown the WEB-INF also?

  • In fact I was already doing so, informing the way from the WEB-INF, but it also did not work and I went searching in an example on the web and there was displayed from the directory within the WEB-INF. I changed here in another machine to test, but tbm does not wheel: it was like this: src="/ajudeaencontrar/WEB-INF/upload/444.jpg?pfdrid_c=true"

  • Puts the cache="false" in your graphicImage

  • Image does not appear yet, but in html it is now like this: src="/ajudeaencontrar/WEB-INF/upload/444.jpg?pfdrid_c=false&uid=6ffa29b6-a26d-4fc8-9502-2a981a69979b"

  • There is this 444.jpg file?

  • Pq your bean has the name desapBean and you only call desap.foto in xhtml?

  • It is because I am displaying within another view that references the Bean api <p:dataGrid var="desap" value="#{api.lista}" ...>. Yes, the files exist and are on the path informed in the print. In my "api" bean I upload a list of an Entity with a String field from the photo. In p:graphicImage I am informing the path + the name of the photo of an object.

  • I put a snippet with the bean "api".

  • I managed to solve, thanks for the help @Weslleytavares, but I checked an example where the getRealPath() method of my Uploadfile class only returns this way return context.getRealPath("/"); and not the complete way as I did. Another thing I had to change was the path, I had to take it out of the directory META-INF because it wasn’t working, maybe it’s because I’m using Maven; I put it this way: this.caminho = getRealPath() + "/upload/" + getNome(); and in the call I put so: <h:graphicImage value="./upload/#{desap.foto}">, where "desap" is my variable for p:datagrid.

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