How to insert the connection inside the functions without repeating the instructions?


Viewed 70 times


Since I have several functions that will use this connection, how to enter the $pdo within the function without copying the require and $pdo within each of the functions that I will draw up?

$pdo  = Database::connect();

function inserir (){

function listar (){

function atualizar (){


function excluir(){

  if ($_GET['tipo'] == 'blog' && $_GET['funcao'] == 'excluir'){

    $pdo->query("DELETE FROM tb_blog WHERE ID = " . $_GET['id'] . "");
    echo "
      <script type=\"text/javascript\">
        window.location = \"index\";

  • May pass $pdo as a function argument ... $_GET should also be global or external variables should not be injected directly like this. Another option is to create a class for sharing $pdo among the methods.

  • ... pass as argument to the function ... can you show me that?

2 answers


May pass $pdo as an argument for functions or to create a class to share the connection between methods. Do not inject global or external variables into a function because they can break the behavior of the function which is a reusable piece of code.

function novo ($pdo, $registro){

function listar ($pdo){

function atualizar ($pdo, $registro){


function excluir($pdo, $id){

    $stmt = $pdo->prepare("DELETE FROM tb_blog WHERE ID = ?");
    echo "
      <script type=\"text/javascript\">
        window.location = \"index\";


 if (!empty($_GET['tipo']) && $_GET['tipo'] == 'blog' && !empty($_GET['funcao']) && $_GET['funcao'] == 'excluir'){
    $id = !empty($_GET['id']) && ctype_digit($_GET['id'] ? $_GET['id'] : 0;
    excluir($pdo, $id);

Class approach, did not repeat the validation with $_GET but she still needed, use the function header() to redirect the user does not make sense to use javascript for this

class blogDAO{
    private $connection;

    function __construct(PDO $pdo){
        $this->connection = $pdo;

    function novo($registro){

    function listar(){

    function atualizar ($pdo, $registro){


    function excluir($id){

        $stmt = $this->connection->prepare("DELETE FROM tb_blog WHERE ID = ?");
            return false;
            return true;


$daoBlog = new blogDAO(Database::connect());

if($_GET ...){
        header('Location: index.php');
        echo 'erro ...';
  • I’m having trouble making the list ... list(); It is giving error in my code when I call the function this way. Can demonstrate in the own answer pf.

  • rray muitooooo thanks for your reply but I’m still walking the paths of the POO, I already understand a lot that is there but I still have difficulty using ALL THIS. For now a solution with the functions will solve, but surely in the future I will use your class.

  • Function list() all the time Fatal error: Call to a Member Function query() on a non-object on line 12 >>> foreach ($Pdo->query($sql) as $line) { ?>

  • @Marcosvinicius seems to connect $pdo is not valid.

  • @Marcosvinicius places the code of the list and its call. It should not be extended.


The idea of @rray to pass PDO as argument really is excellent.

Only as a complement, it is possible to induce the type of the parameter so that the PDO.


function excluir(\PDO $pdo, $id) {

In that case, if something other than the instance of a PDO, a fatal error will be generated.

This can make your code more readable to other programmers ;)


$pdo = new PDO(/* Dados para conexão **/);

excluir($pdo, 5);

Or else:

$ob = new MinhaClasse

$ob->excluir($pdo, 5);

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