I want to script with Shell script that extracts from a text file emoticons, for example ;)
, :)
, :3
, :(
, xD
and also count the emoticons of each sentence
A sentence is declared positive if the sum of the positive emoticons exceeds 2.5 times the sum of the negative emoticons if present, if not the sentence is declared negative, I made that code that counts the amount of positive, but I’m a little confused, please someone could help me finish this script?
while loop
while IFS= read -r line
let "x=x+1"
qtd=$(echo "$line" | sed -r 's/ /\n/g' | grep "POSITIVO" | wc -l)
echo "SENTENÇA $x \t - POSITIVO - $qtd"
done <"$file"
Example Sentences(Comment_do_twitter.txt):
?RT @justinbiebcr: The bigger the better....if you know what I mean ;)
Listening to the "New Age" station on @SlackerRadio
I favorited a YouTube video -- Drake and Josh - The Storm "We will rock you"
i didnt mean knee high I ment in lengt it goes down to my knees ^-^ and is so cute I love it!
I wana see the vid Kyan
if my mom went on for the love of ray J or any reality show i'd bee pissed .
Ok so I just got a deal for my own show "For The Love Of Deez Nuts" go to VH1/deezNuts to apply ....R u here for Deez Nuts???
@Mrhilton1985 Welcome to Twitter xx
@kjbmusic oh yeah... however, I'd still like to be in the midst of it all though... u know...
Can't say I like the new facebook layout. But just posted pics from my Super Bowl week. =)
I need a nice tea-drinking pic for our #Tea Club Membership page - anyone got one they'd be happy for me to use?
@JonathanRKnight so twitpic it lol, I love Home Depot, love working w/my hands and building things, my dad was in construction
@BarCough it's enough to make you sick, eh? there's nothing sacred anymore