Graphic made with imperfection Javascript canvas


Viewed 159 times


Guys I made a normal Cartesian plan here on a canvas, but with a problem, the chart is not perfectly centered and this is bothering me a bit, I know q I can change the position manually in code, but the question is: Why the graph is decentralized?

Here is the JS code:

window.onload = function () {
    var contex = document.getElementById("grafico").getContext("2d");
    contex.moveTo(0, document.getElementById("grafico").clientHeight/2);
    contex.lineTo(document.getElementById("grafico").clientWidth, document.getElementById("grafico").clientHeight/2);
    contex.moveTo(document.getElementById("grafico").clientWidth/2, 0);
    contex.lineTo(document.getElementById("grafico").clientWidth/2, document.getElementById("grafico").clientHeight);

in this code I take the height divided by 2 and the width tbm, I have tried both with the client and with the offset and both present the same inaccuracy. Why does this happen? Thank you

I tested using the raw values by putting them directly in the function and there it worked right, the question is, why when I pull the inaccuracy?

1 answer


The ideal would be to use the property width and height instead of clientWidth and clientHeight:

window.onload = function () {
    var contex = document.getElementById("grafico").getContext("2d");
    contex.moveTo(0, document.getElementById("grafico").height/2);
    contex.moveTo(document.getElementById("grafico").width/2, 0);

The properties clientWidth and clientHeight depending on the browser include the element padding, and are originally MS implementations.

See more details about the clientWidth and the width on MDN.

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