Load Page with Swipebox


Viewed 120 times


I want you to open the page and open a Swipebox with an image.


I did so:



    // Swipe Box
    $('.swipebox').on('click', function(e) {
            { href: urlBase + '/imagem.jpg', title:'Safe' }


<a href="#" class="swipebox"></a>

Instead of him opening Swipebox with the image, open it on another page. But if I go to the Chrome Console and type:

$('.swipebox').click();, opens right.


I did it here and it doesn’t work !


$('#open-swipebox').click(function (){

<a href="#" id="open-swipebox"></a>
  • You want when you open the page, automatically from a Trigger on your link?

  • Exactly. A trigger. But I tried and it didn’t work.

1 answer


In the page load you emulate the click on your link:

$(document).ready(function () {

  $('.swipebox').on('click', function(e) {
        { href: urlBase + '/imagem.jpg', title:'Safe' }


However, this way will enable the event for all items that have this class, I think it would be better to use an id for the link.

<a href="#" class="swipebox" id="meuLink"></a>

And to emulate the click:

$(document).ready(function () {

Complement to the answer

The event click is being called before the statement, just call the event $('.swipebox').click() before assigning the new behavior to the link/class;

  • Something silly, but tried to declare the click before invoking it?

  • As such declare ?

  • I did a simple debug and it doesn’t work. It’s inside the ready.

  • 1

    Try to invert, take a look as I did in the reply (I changed it now). Also I used your example in fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/PetrusStarken/9of7h7kc/

  • Wow, old man. It was the inversion. I was calling the trigger before the declaration of the function. It was noobisse that. Thanks.

  • Also figured it out now, I’ll change the answer to make it clear what it was.

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