String nonce is not being generated


Viewed 70 times


I’m using the Braintree API and I can put the dropin form of them on the page:

var braintreeToken = @Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model.brainTreeToken));

    "dropin", {
        container: "payment-form"


That is the result:


In their documentation it says braintree.js will add a hidden input named payment_method_nonce to your form, ie, is added a hidden field with the value of the nonce.

In my controller, I get this field in Formcollection but it always comes as an empty string. It does not come null, it comes empty.

public void CreateTransaction(FormCollection collection)
     string payment_method_nonce = collection["payment_method_nonce"];

The string above is always empty. Supposedly, it would bring a nonce string to do the transaction. How to solve this?


The form I write in the view is:

<form id="createTransactionForm" method="post">
    <div id="payment-form"></div>
    <input type="submit" value="Test - Pay">

The id="payment-form" div will be filled with the Braintree dropin.

Using the browser inspector you can see the final HTML result, which results in one form within another. I have wondered if this is correct, if the form I write is necessary, and yes, it is so.

The result:


  • What you command in your ajax?

  • Nothing, I just ubmit the form. Supposedly, with the credit card data entered, it should generate a nonce, which in turn is sent to the controller. nonce is a code that is sent to Braintree and they can decipher the card data through the code

  • Please put the form code in your question.

  • @Ciganomorrisonmendez, I added the form to the post

1 answer


To work, payment_method_nonce needs to be created as a field <input>. May type=hidden. In your case, the field is not being created this way.

A suggestion would be you create the empty field and fill in using some JS command:

<form id="createTransactionForm" method="post">
    <div id="payment-form"></div>
    <input type="hidden" name="payment_method_nonce" value>
    <input type="submit" value="Test - Pay">
  • The field exists, it is created automatically, so I can catch it in my controller. The point is that it is never filled. Supposedly, when doing Ubmit, the js of Braintree should take the credit card data, create a nonce (that represents them) and the form would be submitted with that nonce

  • Well, then you have to see a way to fill this manual. I think their API is not working to the satisfaction.

  • 1

    Their API must be working because Braintree has a lot of people using it. I believe more that there is something that I am not doing correctly. I have contacted their support also, let’s see what they say

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