Variable method name


Viewed 50 times


I’ve had this doubt before but I let it go, now I ask:

Example, I have 1 function:

public function nome_variavel(){
    // A função em si nunca muda, preciso apenas que o nome que ela é definida seja variável.

I would like to define this function by a variable name, example:

$nome_da_funcao = "nome_generico";
public function $nome_da_funcao(){} // Apenas exemplo para entendimento

Is that possible? If so, in what way?

  • call or define? In the above example you define a function, which contradicts what you asked earlier.

  • not exactly the way you want it, but maybe anonymous functions serve you. What do you think?

  • Yes, maybe you want to reformulate and limit the scope of your question.

  • It would be helpful if you told why you need it and in what cases it is necessary. That way it is easier to delineate.

  • 1

    I haven’t seen your sources, but surely you’re doing this inappropriately, it’s not possible that you need to create a new function for each new customer. In any case, you might want to take a look at the magical method called __call(), and from it, invoke/delegate the/to function whose block you say never change. Let us know if this solves your case.

1 answer


I believe this is not possible and even if it was I think it would not be a very cool practice.

If I understand the your comment, I recommend you maybe create a array associative, I will try to formulate an example, I know it is not the format you are using, but should help.

Requires 5.3.0 or higher

php app.

class App
     private $views = array();

     public function page($nome, $function)
           if (is_callable($function)) {
               $this->view[$nome] = $function;

     public function exec()
           $page = $_GET['page'];

           if (empty($this->views[$page]) === false) {
                $caller = $this->views[$page];
                $caller();//Executa método

index php.

require_once 'app.php';

$app = new App;
$app->page('nome_generico', function() {
    echo 'Olá mundo';
$app->page('sobre', function() {
    echo 'Eu sou Thyago';
$app->page('foo', function() {
    echo 'Algo aqui';
  • When to access http://localhost/projeto/?page=nome_generico is displayed this:

    Hello world

  • When to access http://localhost/projeto/?page=sobre is displayed this:

    I am Thyago

  • When to access http://localhost/projeto/?page=foo is displayed this:

    Something here

  • 1

    Ow William, that’s exactly it! Since I never used anything of the kind, I came here precisely to know if there would be something native, anyway I thought not to mess with the framework’s action structure, but really it would be impossible, but this path was all I needed as an alternative, very well explained and detailed your answer.

  • @Thyagothysoft I don’t know if it makes a difference to you, but there were two errors in the script, I fixed it.

  • Of course it does, for me and for anyone who wants to do something like I rs. Actually I haven’t tested yet, I will do the test tomorrow, but I could see that the condition did not check anything in Epsy. Thank you Guilherme!

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