Activex Axvlcplugin2 no event works


Viewed 161 times


I possess in my form a VLC Player. In it, I need to get basic information like video duration and current position. but no event works.

Am I doing something wrong? Follow code:

public Form1()
    InitializeComponent(); += vlc_play;

    OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
    ofd.Filter = "AVI (*.avi)|*.avi|MP4|*.mp4"; //Definindo o filtro (extensões dos vídeos pelos quais o OpenFileDialog buscará).
    if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) //Teste para verificar se o arquivo foi selecionado.
        vlc.playlist.add(new Uri(ofd.FileName).AbsoluteUri); //Adicionando vídeo à playlist.;


void vlc_play(object sender, EventArgs e)

my solution, unfortunately, is to use a timer to get the information.

  • I didn’t understand what you meant in the timer part. You can only get the video information some time after play?

  • The Play event or Mediaplayerplaying doesn’t work, in fact no event works, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. i am using the Timer object with interval of 1 second to get the current position because the Mediaplayerpositionchanged event does not work.

1 answer


The most interesting in this case would be to use the Mediaplayerpositionchanged event itself to get the current position.

In this case, simply assign the Event Handler

vlc.MediaPlayerPositionChanged += vlc_play;

And change the parameter of the same, since the class Eventargs does not appear in the definition of the delegate to which he refers:

void vlc_play(object sender, AxAXVLC.DVLCEvents_MediaPlayerPositionChangedEvent e)
  • I’ve tried that but it just doesn’t work, no event works.

  • Strange, here it is working normally... You didn’t change vlc.input.Position for e.Position? Because in this case it will always indicate 0.

  • Not actually it is not even entering the event method, maybe it is the version of activex I am using the latest version and you?

  • I’m using 1.1.9 of VLC. So that’s about it, try switching to an earlier version of Activex.

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