Glassfish: Trying to access the server through HTTPS


Viewed 196 times


I have Glassfish 4.0 running on my local machine. I then sought to add an http Listener, as follows:

asadmin> create-http-listener --listeneraddress --listenerport 80 --securityenabled=true --default-virtual-server server --listener_id 0

securityenabled=true should allow me to access my locahost through https. However, when I try to access the address https://localhost:80/, my browser says the page is not available. How to proceed?

  • Probably the door is wrong. Try to access the address https://localhost:443 or simply https://localhost/. Also check the Glassfish log for any error messages.

  • @Wineusgobboa.deOliveira But if I set listenerport to 80, shouldn’t it listen through that port? And there are no errors in the log file : /

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