I’m trying to run this SQL, using Django’s ORM
SELECT * FROM test JOIN questionnaire q ON (q.id = test.questionnaire) WHERE q.discipline = 4;
Test, Questionnaire, Discipline
I’m trying to run this SQL, using Django’s ORM
SELECT * FROM test JOIN questionnaire q ON (q.id = test.questionnaire) WHERE q.discipline = 4;
Test, Questionnaire, Discipline
The Django queries happen in a very simple way, for example:
('pessoa_fisica','Pessoa Física'),
('pessoa_juridica','Pessoa Jurídica'),
class Cliente(models.Model):
nome = models.CharField(max_length=255)
descricao = models.CharField(mad_length=255)
tipo_cliente = models.CharField(max_length=15, choices=CHOICE_CLIENTE)
class CategoriasCliente(models.Model):
descricao = models.CharField(max_length=255)
cliente = models.ForeignKey (Cliente)
To pick up all categories from a customer, you would:
cliente = Cliente.objects.get(id=cliente_id)
# ou cliente = get_object_or_404(Cliente, id=cliente_id) (boa prática)
categorias = CategoriaCliente.objects.filter(cliente=cliente)
This would return all categories of a customer. If you want to filter an attribute of the related object, you can do: categories = Categoriacliente.objects.filter(cliente__type_client='person_legal')
There are other ways, but the basic thing is this.
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