Billet generation


Viewed 346 times



I need to generate billets in an application. I’ve never worked with billet generation. Could someone explain to me where to start, what are the first steps, the path of the stones?

I gave a search and saw that there is a component Boleto . Net that seems to be quite used and also has the Cobrebem, which for what it seems to me is paid.

I would like examples and documentation of one of them, as well as understanding the terms used within the documentation and how to get account information.

Thank you.

1 answer


The Path of Stones

Here is an example project. Just download the zip or clone the repository and test. It’s not very secret.

To install in your project, use the Nuget package.

Here’s a step-by-step example of how to do. Particularly I don’t think this implementation is 100%, but it’s a good start.

Usually banks provide manuals and information on how to implement. Or you you can find the bank you will use in this list. Account, portfolio, contract and related information is provided by the account manager (a). Normally the account has to be legal. I’ve never seen billet generation for the physical person.

About the "Our Number" field, it is a field that you can use to identify a purchase in your system, therefore it is a field that you define.

Roughly speaking, that’s what you need to get started. Plus, I think it’s worth opening more specific questions.

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