
Viewed 228 times


Good morning

Is there any way to change tables and fields in the Sugar ORM database, so that when performing the app update, it does not lock?

I have a register and I own the PRODUCTS table and it contains name, code, location, etc... If I try to increase a field in the table, and put a price. When I update the application the old database does not update and even gets corrupt. The same happens if I try to put another table in the bank, for example the PEOPLE table.

Thank you

1 answer


He even looked at documentation? I’m starting to work with Sugarorm, but it seems to me that you can specify a custom query to run when upgrading the database.

Remembering that when changing the database you need to change the version of the database in the manifest to be rebuilt.

  • Thanks for the reply, I looked in the documentation and I ended up finding that you spoke, I had not noticed it, thank you very much.

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