Doubt with Routes and Controllers Laravel 4


Viewed 120 times


I’m a beginner in Laravel and I’m having a problem with routes and controllers. I created a form with the following action:

{{ Form::open(array('action' => 'MatriculasController@formulario' }}

I created a route for this action:

Route::post('formulario', 'MatriculasController@formulario');

The Matriculacontroller form method does some operations with the data received from the form and should return a View:

    //função que recebe e manipula os dados do formulario
public function formulario(){
    //recebe os dados do formulario

    //verifica se o RA foi fornecido
    if (strlen($ra>0)){
        $siga = new Siga();
        $consultaRA=$siga->conecta("select NOM_PESSOA from supervisor.PESSOA where COD_PESSOA='$ra'");
        return View::make('confirmaIdentidade');

The View confirms identity:





The problem is that it is not returning this view and I do not understand the reason. It is returning a blank page with the url /form.

Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong?

  • Amanda Lima, has happened to me a lot. In order to help you, you will have to post part of your controller. At least the methods involved

  • 1

    There could be many things: You’re using a Section that doesn’t exist in the parent view. You’re accessing a method that doesn’t return anything.

  • I’ll edit and post all the code

  • 1

    +1 Because I love Laravel!

  • 2

    If I had known better, I’d have hit you like a cousin, huh!

1 answer


Amanda, it turns out that what brings back the blank page in your code is the View::make that’s inside the if.

If it does not meet the condition, as it is not returned, then your code will return a blank page.

To check if this statement is correct, try this after the if of $ra.

return 'Alguma coisa errada';

If this appears, then the reason stated above is correct.

What can be done - is what I would do - is to put the return View::make out of any condition if. If there is a need to send an error message, you can do so:

if ($erro) {
     // Como a requisição é post, volta para mesma página
     // com uma mensagem flash na sessão
     return Redirect::back()->with('mensagem', 'Mensagem de erro');

return View::make('x');

In view:

   {{ Session::get('mensagem') }}

Another problem that may cause the blank page on Laravel 4 is the incompatibility of name of the sessions.

For example:


   {{-- Errei o nome de propósito pra demonstrar --}}
   <div>Alguma coisa</div>

If you do View::make('view_filho'), nothing will be returned, since you have not defined the section with the correct value.

  • I put the Return as you suggested and returned "Something wrong". Regardless of whether Return is inside or outside the if is working when I return a string. But it does not return to View neither inside nor outside the if :(

  • And I’m taking care that if always be satisfied

  • @Amandalima, then check if in your "Eternal time" there is a @yield('conteudo')

  • 2

    That was exactly the problem! The Yield in the template was @yield('content')

  • 1

    You know, it could only be one thing or the other. I’ll add in the answer.

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