Search only files that match part of the name in a directory


Viewed 1,263 times


I have the following problem

In a given directory I will need to create files that meet the following criteria.



  • Document : Any number that may or may not be repeated
  • DDMM : Day + Month of current date
  • SEQ : Global Directory Sequence Starting at 001

In order to generate the correct sequence I need to know the value of the last sequence (higher value)

I was able to approach reading all the files from the directory to a list and iterating the list in search of the last value, but this method is very bad, because the directory is the user’s choice and it can use a directory that contains many files, making this research very slow. Wanted something that already filtered the files before I had to iterate the list.

Any suggestion will be evaluated

  • 1º - How will the user choose the directory ? I will start working on a response!

  • I am using Unit Filectrl’s Selectdirectory method after I use the File class to recover the list of files, and this list looks at the file names. I’m testing a code using Tsearchrec. I think it’s the way.

1 answer


I was able to do what I wanted using Tsearchrec as follows.

procedure TFrm....
  var search : TSearchRec; // Unit SysUtils
    filename, dirname : String;
    seq, i : Integer;
  // (...)
  if not SelectDirectory('Selecione o diretório', 'arqs', dirname) then // Unit FileCtrl
       Application.MessageBox('Sem destino', APPNAME, MB_OK+MB_ICONERROR);
    // Pesquisando o diretório corrente para gerar arquivos únicos
    if (FindFirst(dirname + '*_' + FormatDateTime('ddmm', Date) + '_*.txt',
                    searchResult) = 0 ) then
          // Extraindo o sequencial do arquivo
          i := LastDelimiter('_', searchResult.Name);
          if (TryStrToInt(copy(searchResult.Name, i, 3), i)) then
            seq := Max(i, seq);
        until FindNext(searchResult) <> 0;

    filename := NUMERO_DOCUMENTO + '_' +
                FormatDateTime('ddmm', Date) + '_' +
                LPad(IntToStr(seq + 1), 3, '0') + '.txt'; // LPad função privada de padding à esquerda
    // Garantindo que não existe arquivo com a nomenclatura passada
    while FileExists(dirname + filename) do
        seq := seq + 1;
        filename := NUMERO_DOCUMENTO  + '_' +
                    FormatDateTime('ddmm', Date) + '_' +
                    LPad(IntToStr(seq + 1), 3, '0') + '.txt';


    // (Outros códigos ...)

One thing that helped me with this code was the use of TryStrToInt, because it allowed me to prevent an unfinished name in _999.txt from causing the application to generate a Exception conversion.

Apparently I could have problems when the sequence arrived in 999 because the next one to be generated would be _1000.txt and instead of being able to fetch the value 1000, as I am limiting to 3 characters will end up picking 100 and iterating in the existence check until the 1001. It’ll work out the wrong way.

A solution would be to find the position of ". txt" to calculate the number of characters to be used for both the function copy how much for the padding.

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