Navigate through screens carrying information


Viewed 541 times


I’m working with Angularjs and Ionic, creating a mobile application. I would like to know how best to navigate between the screens taking information from one screen to another. For example: In a registration screen I want to go to product screen and return with the product selected, then go to seller screen and return again to registration screen now with seller and product. At the moment I send the information by URL, example: incluir/1/1 - each number represents a code I can search for at the bank later. Another way is to use the windows.localstorage['vendedor'] which it stores in the device’s memory. Is there a more practical way? Share, thank you.

4 answers


The use of $rootScope to do what you seek. Services (service and factory) of AngularJs are there for that.

Why not use $rootScope?

$rootScope, as the name says, is a scopo of root, common and accessible in all controller that you own. If you create a $rootScope with the name sales: $rootScope.vendas it will be accessible in all controller, a new value may be changed, deleted and/or inserted.

Working with short and simple applications, no problem. But when you start working with several controller that need this data, eventually you can create a $scope which has nothing to do with the $rootScope but that modifies that value. Or that you end up losing control of which function is modifying that $rootScope.

Another point, if the user leaves the application and comes back later, will he be able to continue where he left off? Using the same previously stored data? Or $rootScope will be reset to its initial state?

Note: Most importantly, do not fall into the temptation to create a function using $rootScope.

When to use $rootScope?

It is more advisable to use the $rootScope only for global definitions that are unchanged. Ex.: Name of the application, name of the user logged in a welcome message (There is still to analyze this one), finally. Data you will not modify (or at least not as often).

What to use?

As you have already commented that you are using localStorage, I recommend you stick with it. Your control will be much better about the data you need/handle, and you can reuse the data if the user leaves the application and comes back later. You can still set an expiration date for that information.

Note: Still maintains the url clean, without a lot of data.


Logically all of this should be taken into account by analyzing the size/complexity of your application vs actual enhancements/optimizations you will have.

The use of $rootScope really should be avoided, but it is not always feasible to create this whole scenario to manipulate the data if it is something simple.


There is also another way to send information from one screen to another that is storing an object in the scope of the application ($rootScope).


$rootScope.venda = {
   cliente: 1,
   produto: 1
  • 1

    It really worked. Thank you.

  • Imagine haha! :)


The most common practice is the use of query Parameters, in the case exactly as you are using. Thus, when loading a controller, it is simpler to know if the route in question is for editing or new record.


I don’t recommend using Jquery with Ionic: the philosophy of jquery is to manipulate the DOM directly, which goes against the philosophy of the Angularjs that manipulates the DOM through directives. There is also a question of performance.

You can store objects in $rootScope, however, it is best to model your data so that they are provided by a factory.

Factories are singletons, that is, defined and initialized once.

For example, you can define a factory Usersession where you store all user-related variables in that session: current-product, shopping cart, etc. and access it from any controller in the app.

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