Use HTML div and store it as a variable


Viewed 998 times


I have a playful web page, on which there are 2 Ivs, and on a PHP page, I would like to add a word to them, the array rand I already know how to do, the problem is time to take the HTML Divs and send them to PHP, here’s what I have so far:

<div id="1">bla bla bla</div>
<div id="2">bla bla bla bla bla</div>

and now, the PHP part:


$var1="div 1 iria aqui";
$var2="div 2 iria aqui";

$random = array('$var1','$var2');

echo $random[array_rand($random)];
  • 1

    Welcome to Sopt, do the [tour] and read the [Ask]

  • 2

    Your question is very vague, which makes it incomprehensible. It is better to edit it by providing more information. I suggest to specify better what type of treatment and model you want.

  • You want to <div id="1">bla bla bla</div> in the variable or bla bla bla?

  • Use javascript to take the content of div and send it by ajax to php.

  • 2

    @Jorgeb. I want to take the whole div.

  • @rray you could post an example here?

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2 answers


You can use jQuery for that:

$.post('exemplo.php', {var1: document.getElementById('1').outerHTML});


$var1 = $_POST['var1'];


Use javascript to grab the div id and send it by ajax. This example uses jquery, don’t forget to add it to your test/project

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready(function() {
    $("#web").click(function() {
            method : "post",
            url : "response.php",
            //data, são informados os campos enviados para o php
            data: {'div1': $("#1").prop('outerHTML'), 'div2' : $("#2").prop('outerHTML'))}
        }).done(function(msg) {
   <div id="1">frase 1</div>
   <div id="2">frase 2</div>
   <input type="button" id="web" name="web" value="teste" />
  • He doesn’t just want the content...

  • @Jorgeb. I’ll edit then, worth the warning :)

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