joomsocial component causes error "class 'Caccess' does not have a method 'authorise'"


Viewed 98 times


I installed joomsocial in my joomla, but when I complete the installation the following error appears:

Warning: call_user_func_array() expects Parameter 1 to be a Valid callback, class 'Caccess' does not have a method 'authorise' in /home/swingudi/public_html/social/Components/com_community/helpers/access.php on line 74

  • 2

    Good evening, which version of joomlasocial and joomla is using (DO NOT COMMENT) and how you did this component installation, edit the question and put important information like this so that we can help you. You probably installed a version that is not compatible with Joomla that is using.

  • 2

    Another tip, they all come here looking for help, writing in the title things like "Help", "please", "Help" is totally irrelevant. Create headlines relevant to the question’s topic. I’m sure you’ll take my comment as a constructive criticism.

  • Wellington, note the comments left by other users in their questions as they usually give good tips on how to avoid closing and leave your question with a higher quality. Just because you have several closed questions recently the system has blocked you from asking. If you manage to get your question reopened this system lock should be suspended right after.

  • Hello this really related to the version of joomla, the error occurred after the update of the same, I have version 3 of joomsocial, The problem is that I am trying to install the older version of joomla but it is not working, does not complete the installation

  • 1

    I guess you didn’t read the comment I said NO COMMENT, edit the question, detail, enter the exact versions you are using of Joomla and component, please read more carefully, The tips here are to try to help you improve the question so that we can get a parameter by which to begin to detect the problem your problem, comment relevant things only, for example answers to other comments. I’m sure you’ll take my comment as a constructive criticism. :)

  • I did not understand the title edition and neither the Helper tag, I will do the rollback. Titles should be intuitive.

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1 answer


Simple, your class does not have a method called "authorise". You need to define this method in the class or it can be private, in the latter can only be called from within the class itself. Try to specify your question better, it will help us to answer.

  • Hello friend is that I am a designer and do not understand much about php, to tell you the truth I still do not understand what Voce meant by the so-called method

  • where I must go to change

  • 3

    It is, @Wellington, this is a website for programmers, a minimum of knowledge on your part is required.

  • but this is the way I learn

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