How to prevent data from being posted to google search?


Viewed 83 times


I have a database. Inside, a database with the data of several people. I have a scheduling system. All data of the person + day/time of scheduling is placed in it. The problem is that this data can be viewed on google if I search the name + name of the site. Should I prevent access to this page by restricting the IP address? What procedures should I do?

  • 1

    Dude, wouldn’t this kind of information need a username and password to access? You can also use robots.txt to not index the page...

  • Denali, does any answer solve your problem? It is interesting to give feedback, because someone else may have the same problem, and when you get here you will know what was done. : ) See here what you can do by getting an answer to your question. ;)

2 answers


Edited: Setting up robots.txt only will not remove your page from google indexes.

  • Robots.txt: Does not allow a search engine to receive content from a particular page.
  • Meta tag robots: Allows access to content, but does not allow indexing of this content.

In short, make use of both techniques, using the robots.txt and the meta tag robots, but if the page was already indexed, it is recommended to still use the Google URL Removal Tool


  • Is there any way to stop the entire site from going into google search? Is that all you can do? User-agent: * Disallow: / Disallow:

  • Using "Disallow: /" will disable the entire site. Take a look here:

  • done such procedures, do you have any idea how long the google search data fades ?

  • @Denali.


Use the following HTML meta tag on pages that should not be indexed in search engines:

<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">

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