Internal Error Server UID of script is smaller than min_uid


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When I enter the page I am developing the following error appears:

Internal Server Error

UID of script "/home/httpd/html/index.php" is smaller than min_uid

suPHP 0.7.2

Does anyone know what can be and how to solve?

  • 2

    Seems to be permission problem,

  • This was a lack of server space. It was hosted at Locaweb.

1 answer


As stated in Soen

This looks like a problem with the suPHP.

Change the user and group of your script to the user running your webserver process. So if you’re running an Apache with user www-data for example, change to:

Change the user and group of your script to the user who is running your web server. For example, if you are running an Apache with the www-data user for example, switch to:

chown www-data:www-data /home/.../public_html/index.php

Or change all files at once:

chown -R www-data:www-data /home/.../public_html/

If you are still having this problem after changing user and group then probably suPHP is using the default value of min_uid = 100, www-data UID must be less than 100.

To fix this you can change the min_uid in the settings of suPHP www-data UID correspondent pro:

To edit:

vi /etc/suphp/suphp.conf

min_uid = <UID of www-data>

If you don’t have SSH access and this is a hosting or other type of server online, you may need to contact support or the server administrator.

  • 1

    This was a lack of server space. It was hosted at Locaweb.

  • @Lucasbustamante not necessarily, this probably happened to you was what I call a side effect, the lack of space can affect any service that needs to "write", would even affect sessions in PHP. So one thing triggered a problem and other things.

  • 1

    Yes, but in practical terms, it can help those who host at Locaweb, because I recently discovered that it gives this error when it doesn’t pay the server, too...

  • @Lucasbustamante so I call side effect, the lack of space could have affected another service if the Ocaweb worked with another type of configuration, ie affected in this case "specific" its due to the configuration "specifies" the type of service you hired from Ocaweb (it has several different services with different configs). I can’t address the issue of lack of space because it’s something that can occur only in specific situations and "no practice". But thanks for the info anyway.

  • Guys, I had a similar problem yesterday. The client’s website was hosted at Locaweb and occurred due to non-payment. I made the deal now with the server, paid the billet and the site back to work.

  • 1

    @Állanfidelistoledo as I commented above to Lucas, who reported the same situation as you said, this is a specific case, it’s probably a strategy of this specific hosting, it’s not a technical problem, it’s just a "way" that they invented to block more easily (for them) defaulted customers, but it is not something common in other hosting and nor is the focus of question sites aimed at the side "technical".

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