Set up site on IIS 7. Do not start site


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I created a website called Testepdf. I gave this alias to it: testepdf. I created a directory and set it to dir virtual(C: wwwroot Testepdf). In the application pool I switched to classico and the version of . NET from 2.0 to 4.0, despite using 4.5, but it was the only option there was. When I call in the URL testepdf/, gives the second:

This web page is not available(Chrome)

No Connect as, I did the following: Application User(pass authentication) Still the site doesn’t work. How do I make it work.

I followed the following tutorials: aspx

By the tutorials above, I could not make it work.

In my settings editor it looks like this:(Default icons do not appear)

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Then, in the visual studio I defined as page start this page: Othotestepdf.html. Should I do something on IIS to read that page or not?

  • Check if she’s running! , sometimes it does not startou pq is with same ip, or any other bug, it will get a stop square, right click on it and start a.

  • Also try to check that it is not without default file, try placing an index.html and see if it runs /testepdf/index.html. You right-clicking on the site on IIS and giving a browser it opens? will see you are calling the server by ip, or wrong name or Chrome is not finding it.

  • I’ll check all that and put the result already.

  • The site is started.

  • rotated the index.html ?

  • No, neither index.htm nor Outroarquivopdf.htm, but I called right in the URL.

  • I go on iis and gave right button and browser and saw if there runs?

  • So that’s the way I’m testing it. I also tried it right in the URL and nothing in the same way.

  • 1

    The default IIS site is at port 80. Mine too, would that give problems? In my opinion not, but.... I put in another door(65400) just to test and still nothing, continues the problem.

  • What error appears when the direct browser on the server IIS? already had the directory listed to see if the files appear? post images, errors so facilitates diagnosis.

  • @Dorathoto, just gives the message I posted in the browser, which in my case is Chrome. Is there a folder that leaves log, for me to check? Another thing, in manipulator mapping I don’t have the following path: *.htm or *.html. Is this really necessary? I have no idea what that is, but there is *.shtm and *.shtml.

  • but you want to call which file ? a PDF ? an ? a . php ? a . html ?

  • It is an html page and within it I have a Viewer for PDF, but the basic page is an html. When the page goes up, there is a Load PDF button and in it I call the pdf. I am building this and testing in IIS. In IIS express is.

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2 answers


1 - You cannot have two active pages at the same time on the same port. 2 - The default page he reads is index.html, so creating a website without it won’t work, ie change the name of your index. 3 - If you put the folder in Etpub and it worked, it was probably some IIS permission error to access the folder. As it is a test page do the following: in your site manager, on the right side in Actions, find the Basic Settings option. inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

On the screen that will open click on "Test Settings". If the issue is folder permission an alert will appear in Authorization. In this case you have two options: change the folder permission so that the IIS user has access or set that the connection will be made using your user. If you want the second option, just go back to the previous screen and select "Connect as".


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Enable tracking and check what happens;

  • I made an edit to show you how is my Settings Editor. Different from the above posted by you.

  • when you click it goes straight to Config Editor? does not appear the icons? by default this your config. is the "Configuration Editor" penultimate icone of mine. when vc runs in your visual studio your application works? so it seems to be more error of IIS configuration than of your application.

  • I guess I missed setting the main page and that I didn’t do.

  • I did it by setting a page and still it goes wrong.

  • It worked, but only when I put it in the default IIS(Inetpub) directory. Even though I defined another virtual Dir, it for reasons unknown to me, did not work. Well, as it is a test I will leave so and then I will try to find out why he did not accept another Dir. Thanks.

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