Binary search mips


Viewed 237 times


I am developing a code in mips in order to perform a binary search recursively, well along the development have arisen some doubts, being them:

  1. Right after my function call, I pop my arguments, but should I also pop my $ra? Performing as below:

    lw $s0, 0($sp)  # desempilha o valor a ser buscado
    lw $s1, 0($sp)  # desempilha valor Ult
    lw $s2, 0($sp)  # desempilha valor Pri
    lw $s3, 0($sp)  # desempilha ref vetor A
    lw $ra, 0($sp)  # desempilha o $ra
  2. And at the end when I’m going to make the recursive call I need to stack all my arguments first too right? Besides my $ra? By the way, it is he who will control so that I do not get lost in the recursion calls?

If anyone can, I’d like a simple example.

Note: I know that the passage of arguments should not be done using mips convention stacks, but this work requires this procedure.

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