Good evening, I have a problem with a college job. I need to create a linked list that receives student records. I created a function to register, however, I can not print, externally, the contents of it using the pointer of the first. I wonder why this is happening.
For example, within the scope of the function it can print with (*((*a).alunoPosterior)).nome)
, but when I go outside I can’t do it using (*(a.alunoPosterior)).nome
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <locale.h>
#define length 100
typedef struct aluno {
int matricula;
int telefone;
double n1;
double n2;
double n3;
double media;
char nome[length];
char email[length];
struct aluno *alunoAnterior;
struct aluno *alunoPosterior;
} Aluno;
void criarAluno(Aluno *a);
int main() {
setlocale(LC_ALL, "Portuguese");
Aluno a;
printf("NOME A = %s\nNOME B = %s", a.nome, (*(a.alunoPosterior)).nome);
return 0;
A função cria um struct de Aluno. Em seguida, vincula o struct recém-criado ao ponteiro (*a)
do mesmo tipo que veio através do parâmetro.
void criarAluno(Aluno *a) {
Aluno b;
printf("Insira o nome do aluno: ");
/* printf("\nInsira o número de matrícula do aluno: ");
scanf("%d", &b.matricula);
printf("\nInsira o número de telefone do aluno: ");
scanf("%d", &b.telefone);
printf("\nInsira a Nota 1: ");
scanf("%d", &b.n1);
printf("\nInsira a Nota 2: ");
scanf("%d", &b.n2);
printf("\nInsira a Nota 3: ");
scanf("%d", &b.n3);
b.media = (b.n1 + b.n2 + b.n3)/3;*/
(*a).alunoPosterior = &b;
printf("%s\n\n", (*((*a).alunoPosterior)).nome);
b.alunoAnterior = a;
Does anyone have any idea what I can do?
Your question is not very clear I’m having trouble understanding what you want, you could edit it and be more objective.
– gato
Edited Question!
– HDeiro