How to avoid floating keyboard?


Viewed 2,273 times


I’m testing my app on a tablet Samsung and the number keyboard is floating, the keyboard is on top of my application, does anyone know how to disable this in the code? Thank you in advance!

Obs: The floating keyboard is exclusive to Samsung, so I’m not able to solve.

  • I found that this is a "problem" unique to Samsung devices.

1 answer


If I understand correctly, you just have to add


Or by xml:


This will make the layout adapt and give space for the keyboard open, not getting on top.

  • for what I have been researching the method I need to use is this same, however the parameter "SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_RESIZE" did not work.

  • How do you want the keyboard? It might help you ;)

  • I have two types of keyboard, the number and the text, the numeric is floating, I can drag it on my screen (which I wouldn’t even need), but it always sits on top of my screen and the scroll doesn’t work, the text keyboard is working as needed, it opens but does not stand on my screen, with the scroll I can scroll through my entire screen.

  • Try with getWindow(). setSoftInputMode(Windowmanager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_PAN); .

  • now the text pad that was ok got the same number problem. disabled scroll.

  • Try these flags Maybe I can help you.

  • didn’t work out. I think that being a specific problem of Samsung will give me headache.

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