Cluster support in Demoiselle Framework 2.4


Viewed 59 times


I’m trying to go up in cluster mode an application that uses the Framework Demoiselle in version 2.4, but I noted that web-fragment.xml of demoiselle-servlet does not have the tag <distributable/>. According to the specification of Servlet 3.0, it is necessary that, in addition to web.xml, all web-Fragments of the project have the tag <distributable/>. In this way, I would like to know if the framework Demoiselle has session replication Clusterization support.

Jboss 6.1 EAP

Servlet 3.0
Archetype Demoiselle-jsf-jpa:2.4.0

I noticed that lib demoiselle-servlet used a web-fragment but this did not have the tag <distributable/>, which invalidated the Clusterization of my entire application. I edited the jar of Moiselle-Servlet only for testing purposes and, in this way, verified the correct functioning of the cluster (session replication worked!). In this way, the question remains, the Framework Demoiselle does not allow purposeful Clusterization or this configuration has just gone unnoticed?

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