Active admin and Devise in the application


Viewed 418 times


In this app I am working in I use active admin and in the application I use Devise. Both use it for login.

When I logout the /admin I am redirected to the main screen of the end user that starts with a login screen.

The point is that when I try to access /admin again I am redirected to this login screen of the end user and won’t let me access the /admin screen until I log in as an end user. When soon as a user I can access the screen of /admin and then yes I enter with login and admin password and I can access.

In the terminal log when accessing /admin returns me:

Started GET "/admin/login" for at 2014-03-15 03:05:07 -0300
Processing by ActiveAdmin::Devise::SessionsController#new as HTML
Completed 401 Unauthorized in 2ms

1 answer


  • If you always work with unstable server, do not forget to close it and start again, through the rails server.

  • The strange thing was that this configuration that is suggested in the Issue is in an initializer and in my case everything was already right. But in one of my restarts it was as if I had not initialized this configuration specifically.

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