Problem with INSERT using quote " "


Viewed 31 times


in my script this working, when put a normal text inserts normal, however when I try to post some code type I am redirected to the error page 403

Forbidden You don’t have permission to access envia.php on this server. Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an Errordocument to Handle the request.Protected by COMODO WAF Server at Port 80

I am using ckeditor in the textarea and my code that sends this the following this the following:

if ($acao == "adicionar" ) {
$titulo = trim($_POST['titulo']);
$categoria = trim($_POST['categoria']);
$data = trim($_POST['data']);
$autor = trim($_POST['autor']);
$status = trim($_POST['status']);
$destacar = trim($_POST['destacar']);
$conteudo = trim($_POST['conteudo']);
$error = FALSE;

if (!$error) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO `noticias` (`titulo`, `categoria`, `data`, `conteudo`, `status`, `destacar`, `autor`) VALUES "
        . "( :titulo, :categoria, :data, :conteudo, :status, :destacar, :autor)";

try {
  $stmt = $DB->prepare($sql);

  // bind the values
  $stmt->bindValue(":titulo", $titulo);
  $stmt->bindValue(":conteudo", $conteudo);
  $stmt->bindValue(":status", $status);
  $stmt->bindValue(":destacar", $destacar);
  $stmt->bindValue(":autor", $autor);

  // execute Query
  $result = $stmt->rowCount();
  if ($result > 0) {
    $_SESSION["errorType"] = "success";
    $_SESSION["errorMsg"] = "Adicionado com Sucesso.";
  } else {
    $_SESSION["errorType"] = "danger";
    $_SESSION["errorMsg"] = "Falha ao adicionar.";
} catch (Exception $ex) {

  $_SESSION["errorType"] = "danger";
  $_SESSION["errorMsg"] = $ex->getMessage();
  • You are not allowed to access the file envia.php.

  • but it is permissible 755 I am researching about, I am thinking that it is something in the ckeditor that is doing this, because I have another field where accepts quotes, I tried now to give permission 777 and even so does not insert

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