Is it possible to display a form through a Messagedialog?


Viewed 138 times


With the MessageDialog, would like to create components (buttons) at runtime and set the size and text of the buttons of this MessageDialog.

Besides, I need to show you some Forms according to the button chosen in this MessageDialog.

It is possible?

  • 1

    Can you explain and contextualize it better? The text of the question is quite confused and this question is already with 3 votes to close as "is not clear enough" and "too wide". And none of these closing vows are mine.

  • 1

    I think it’s pretty clear, since the friend down there has perfectly attended to what I wanted.

1 answer


Yes it is possible, follow example:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
 i: Integer;
 f: Tform;
 clicado : Integer;
  f:= createmessagedialog('Deseja Abrir outro Formulário?',

      for i:=0 to f.componentCount -1 do
       if f.components[i] is tbutton then
        with tbutton(f.components[i]) do
         case modalresult of
           mryes   : caption := '&Sim';
           mrno    : caption := '&Não';
           mrok    : caption := '&Certo';
           mrcancel: caption := '&Errado';
        f.caption := 'Opções'; //Caption da Janelinha

        //Aqui passamos o Código de qual o botão clicado
        clicado := f.showmodal;

    if clicado = 6 then
      //Aqui você chama o formulário


Name of the available buttons and their respective Codes:

mrNone = 0; mrOk = 1; mrCancel = 2; mrAbort = 3; mrRetry = 4; mrIgnore = 5; mrYes = 6; mrNo = 7; mrClose = 8; mrAll = 12; mrNoToAll = 13; mrYesToAll = 14;

  • It would be possible to increase the size of buttons?

  • Their size is default VCL, can increase but the level for this already another subject! What you can do is create a custom window, and give Showmodal in it, getting just like a Messagebox, so yes you can put the buttons of the size you want among other customizations!

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