How to set Resharper to NOT add Summary comments


Viewed 364 times


When using the Resharper (Stylecop) 'Remove Unused Directives in File' or 'Remove Redundant Code in File' function to delete a library from my project, Resharper removes it, but adds comments throughout the project, in the style:

// </copyright>
// <summary>
// </summary>
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

I’ve searched several tutorials on how to disable this interaction, but so far I haven’t found anything that really works. Things I’ve tried:

Among others..

Could someone help in how to disable this feature?

Grateful, from now on!

  • 1

    And this?

  • This is similar to the procedure of the first link I added.. I have already tried to uncheck all Stylecop options after creating a user and activating it, but without success. Thank you for the reply, if you have any further suggestions, please send me!

  • 1

    You tried to change File Header Text?

  • Already yes.. Even my File Header Text is clean, without any text.

  • 1

    Strange. is that currently my workflow is Java, but when I programmed C# and used Resharper it by default did not add summarys so I found it strange.

  • It’s really weird, there’s a developer in my industry who doesn’t have it enabled (apparently he didn’t do anything). I’ve tried reinstalling my Stylecop as an attempt at resolution, but so far nothing.

  • 1

    And reinstall the resharper?

  • Also unsuccessful.. :(

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1 answer


After a few days of testing and looking for new ways to try to solve the problem, I was able to solve the problem by disabling the two comment options below:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Also, I disabled the "Supress" options in the same settings, but I’m sure it influenced the solution.

If someone has not succeeded, or has succeeded in a different way in solving this problem, please publish.

  • To disable "Supress" from Stylecop in Resharper, I used the following tutorial: It is old, but provides the necessary logic in current versions.

  • 1

    ah, but Mary is so cool...

  • kkkk When you’re on a 2000-line project, it doesn’t get as cool as rsrs :P

  • Only two thousand ? rs Number of lines is not very important...maybe it is even failure in your architecture, since you have classes with many responsibilities :)

  • That may indeed be the case.. (2000 was an example, as Resharper adds comments under all classes).

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